Sandwell planning officers- WHO DO THEY WORK FOR?


Snake Gifs

Following numerous communications from myself as well as other local residents of Temple Way estate bordering the destructive activities of the landowner and their contractor, it is clear to see the lack of interest amongst local politicians who claim to represent the area. Communications with cabinet member Suzanne Hartwell and Deputy leader and ward councillor for example have not been returned. I do know she received them however due to an apparent accidental sharing of her forwarding my email on to a man called Alan Lunt, and I had to make sure I spelt that correctly. 😆

A. Lunt, got back to me with the abysmal email below, complete with spelling errors after a vigorous prodding no doubt that he had got from the member for Oldbury.

This email response remarkably coincided with the curtailing of DSM demolition’s “work” on the site to destroy green space and evidence of wildlife habitat- in a very similar way I would argue to that which the landowners of The Crooked House acted in regards to that building being a problem for their long term scheming motives for that particular piece of land.

It is therefore, complicity on the part of Sandwell planning policy officers to have stood by and let this destruction happen, fail to respond or answer reasonable concerns , and also a failure of environmental health, contaminated land officers and others to also engage. This is not the first time that has happened with regard to activities on this site that I have raised. 

The copy and paste bullshit written below, and which Lunt shared and which Hartwell and others just copy and pasted to other residents is obscene in its fundamental untruthful lies being written on behalf of a private business not based in Sandwell and whose directors are foreign nationals.

I will dissect this shite paragraph by paragraph in rebuttal and give evidence of why the individuals who wrote this are deceiving those to whom they shared it- as it appears on the council’s planning website- that means every tax payer of this local authority.

Vegetation clearance work being done on Rattlechain Tip in Tividale, Oldbury | Sandwell Council

Rattlechain Tip in Tividale, Oldbury, is a privately-owned brownfield site that has been identified as being suitable for housing in the local plan, subject to planning permission being granted and reclamation work being done on the land.

This site is no longer known as “Rattlechain Tip”. This was a historic name when the site had a site licence SL947 , overseen by The Environment Agency. If they had stated “former rattlechain tip” or “Former Duport’s tip” that would be accurate. That should also be caveated in that the current owners of this land and their agents are also proposing the adjacent rattlechain lagoon, not owned by them with their site allocation for 550 houses in the local plan. The council may believe it has been identified as “suitable for housing”, but only a fucking fool/crook/fraudster would consider that it is given the history of contamination.

I would add that this “private site” has seen generous handouts from the public purse- and why should that be?






Planning officers from the council have met with the agents acting for the landowner to discuss how this large site can be reclaimed and redeveloped to provide much-needed housing.

WHEN, BEFORE OR AFTER IT WAS BROUGHT TO THEIR ATTENTION THAT WORKS NOT SANCTIONED BY PLANNING PERMISSION WERE UNFOLDING? Was this pre- application advice, which planning officers met with their agents and where? Again I would note that they do not own the lagoon site and I would therefore ask if Solvay were in on these discussions, given they have remained silent on what they make of this scheme. In 2011, they claimed they did not think is feasible. Historically that is also the view that came out of a report independently funded by The BCDC.

The term “much needed housing” is a lie- a political lie made by those supporting the daily locust invasion of  singular men from a safe EU NATO country in boats, many with criminal or terrorist intent, and with no interest in this country at all, other than what they can take from it. The council needs housing because of Labour’s mismanagement of public finances on every sphere of Governance that it has ever held, bankrupting every economy with its pet project socialist bullshit agenda.

The landowner has this week started to clear vegetation in advance of future site investigations which will inform a future planning application.

This is a council statement as though it is fact, which it is not. There is no requirement to remove existing fauna that is known to be there. Site investigations were noted to be taking place in 2020, indeed what fools would buy land before undertaking site investigations unless they believe a conman who sold it on to them? The only reason the land was cleared in advance of the Sandwell plan examination is to remove all trace of the habitat mentioned in objection by ourselves and the BBC wildlife trust who specifically mentioned the need for a priority sites assessment and that it is in their LNRN  before any application is submitted. This of course means that these tree destroyers can claim that it is no longer a priority site. There is due process to follow, and these have not.

Independent ecologists have assessed wildlife and protected species that live or may be living on the site and an ecologist is attending the works with a watching brief.

Do the council know this to be fact? What consultancy was overseeing this work? If they are being paid by the landowners they are not in any way “independent”. No ecologist knowing the objections from the BBC wildlife trust would have sanctioned this wholesale destruction, unless they are fake or bent. To call them “ecologists” is like calling Harold Shipman a good doctor.

Preparatory works of this type are a normal part of the development process.

This is a lie. If they were sanctioned by an outline planning application they may be, but that is not the case. No assessment has been made about this site, nothing has gone to a planning committee or been decided by the due process of scrutiny. Nothing has been put into the public domain to object to. The “normality” suggests a corrupt planning system at work with Sandwell council failing to consider its own policies in relation to wildlife and habitats. A planning application safeguards policies of this type with conditions attached, there are none here because there has not been an application when there should have been to justify this wholescale destruction.

YARN | My business is with Isengard tonight... | The Lord of the Rings ...

The council has been advised that the private landowner has distributed leaflets to nearby residents to explain the works being undertaken which includes a contact number for the contractor should there be any queries relating directing to the works themselves.

THIS IS A BLATANT LIE ON BEHALF OF THE LIARS DESMOND AND PATRICK KELLY AND “RATTLECHAIN REDEVELPOMENTS LIMITED”. No residents received any leaflets, they have told us this, posted that publicly on social media and yet Sandwell council put this over as a statement of truth which they have not bothered to check for themselves. Do they think that I or others would have contacted the council and reacted asking them “what is going on?” if these Irish shysters had disseminated literature? The council here are misinforming the public and gaslighting them, and the fact they have put out this untruthful lie into the public domain means they are happy to lie for the liars from Malvern.

The council is aware of the work and has seen the contractor’s risk assessments to ensure the work being done is being properly managed. There will be no ground investigation of the site at this point.

They are aware because people have contacted them, or are they admitting here that they were aware that they were going to do the work- and are thus complicit in the destruction of wildlife habitat in response to the objections that we raised and that which the BBC wildlife trust also raised?

DSM demolition’s risk assessments are obviously a complete joke. At no time were there any site notices posted of what they were doing, no communication strategy, no visible warning notices or apparent method of working. There brief appears to be- “get rid of those fucking trees as quick as possible.” If the council were happy with this work then they in themselves are grossly negligent in being able to assess such works. If the council claim that there will be no ground investigation at this point, they have just contradicted why they have earlier claimed in a previous paragraph that it is “normal practice.” How do they account for this, as it suggests they are talking bollocks, which they are?

We have been advised that the work, which began on 8 January 2025, should take around two weeks to complete.

Again, they cannot confirm this but state they have been “advised. They put this statement out when the works had conveniently began to to stop. It was nearer three weeks, and at no time during this period were the council claiming to be aware of what was going in. If they did, then why their delay in having to ask the agents for more information?

This is a very early stage in investigating the potential future use of this site and no planning permission for development has been granted at this time.

So why do they believe that it is possible without this investigation being completed to include the site in a plan lasting into the 2030’s? Should we also remind them that this land has been soiled for over 50 years by operations sanctioned by their useless/corrupt planning department, and if it were a suitable site, then why did those earlier applications not guarantee that no contaminated issues were left there? Why would a site investigation even be needed given that Sandwell council has had control of planning for almost 50 years since 1974?

Should an application be made in the future, consultation on the proposals will be undertaken with residents who would then have a chance to make any comments. Any comments can be raised in writing via email to

This is another open ended doublespeak. Local residents have been affected already before any application and will be so before any is made. Residents have already made comments and Sandwell council officers like Alan Lunt have just batted them away with bullshit lies like this. They have signed a petition against these proposals already because no one on the estate wants this site for residential allocation, and Sandwell council already know this. Their planning policy officers however and the executive that are in the pockets of the construction industry and who follow Government diktats about relocating economic migrants claiming false asylum, using the banner  “much needed housing” is too tempting a carrot when that same Government showers them with money for doing so.

The outfit in Birmingham are obviously acting as agents for the land owners, and no comments should be made to them by anyone at this stage. This is another contradiction in that the council have stated that comments should be made when an application surfaces, to them as a planning authority. You do not make representations to the applicants or their agents FFS! 

As for the landowners, one is reminded of the bloke who lost his crypto laptop in a landfill site and now cannot get it back. Were there rumours of a long lost golden spud buried within the Duport’s Tip that had reached the fair shores of Kildare?- Maybe that is more nearer the truth than any of the bullshit being put out by Sandwell Council officers on their behalf.


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ECOCIDE- Misery and despair return to Temple Way!


It is with a very heavy heart, that our worst fears about the Sandwell Plan are now arising and a sense of Deja vu on the former Duport’s Tip and surrounding roads has seen the mass destruction of hundreds of mature trees and the associated wildlife that lived there.

The previous operations and planning saga on this site were outlined in this post, but this perhaps serves as the direct sequel as to what is to come, and so we all must fight on to try to stop that from happening.

By way of history, the article below was written in 1995, and confirms that the area planted that has now been wrecked in just two weeks was a publicly funded urban forest that at this time was used as a propaganda tool by the then Black Country Development Corporation. This body were a despicable shill organisation for new build development, but used token planting like this to try to attempt to convey green credentials using our money. We can now see this fraud for what it was and that of their successor – The West Midlands Combined Authority.

BCDC-forest-Sandwell Chronicle -3rd-Feb-1995

I was contacted by a local resident who alerted me to the presence of diggers on the site in a Pearl Harbour style attack on the areas wild space. I visited on 11/1/2025 on a cold foggy morning, and in the mist I could see and hear the clattering of fallen trees as two diggers were on site. The video below captures some of this. Trees were piled up and they had obviously gained access from Gladstone Drive- the new front line of the war on wildlife.

Digger in the mist


(1) Video | Facebook

By the afternoon, the two vehicles were parked up at the entrance, and it was clear to see that both were branded “DSM”. This was quickly found to be a company called DSM Demolition based in Saltley Birmingham.

It was clear to see the destruction that had been wrought on the site from above on the mound. I observed no site safety notices nor anything to prevent the public from accessing where I walked from off the canal- indeed this site has been used regularly by residents, dog walkers and the general public for many years after the Hurst family had abandoned it- save of course for their tatting for metal exercise in 2010 which I looked at in this post. Trees were piled up, and it struck me that it was their intention to remove any trace of ecology off the site so they could attempt to claim there was nothing there.

(1) Facebook

Also piled up at the entrance were remains of the butile lining of the French Drain, installed as a planning condition on account for the landfill gas associated with this site. One therefore ponders as to what pre application advice or guidance had been sought from Sandwell council- of course they had questions to answer?

Local residents had started to contact me about the work, and I immediately put in an email and contacted those in the council, including the deputy leader and Oldbury ward councillor for this area Suzanne Hartwell. Needless to say, I have yet to get any answers or even the courtesy of a response from this individual. 

Over the course of the following week, the destruction continued daily after the Sunday rest. Where was the recent tree survey, where was the recent ecological survey for protected species, let alone the recent soil tests bearing in mind that this is a contaminated former landfill site and that earth is being moved around by the vehicles on site? In fact, what type of site even is it, bearing in mind that it is not a site that has had any planning permission granted and no conditions to safeguard the public or the environment?

Looking across the lagoon, and the invasive filth on the hill


They were visible from the lagoon side just plucking trees out of the ground without a care.

(1) Facebook

Also exposed were remnants of waste packaging and scrap that had previously been unearthed then reburied during The Hurst family tattaphon in 2010. 

The sun sets on the Tividale Urban Forest, as a darkened shadow malice descends


A rotary cutter destroys some more vegetation

The site now resembles a Viet Cong garden circa 1968 after being sprayed with agent orange, or perhaps the analogy of an Irish garden during potato famine may be more appropriate in this case. 😮


View from The Rattlechain Bridge canal basin

This desolation


The new barren landscape off Macdonald Close.

Sandwell council- treachery, Public relations lies and complicity. 

A somewhat embarrassing statement from Sandwell Council’s tree strategy and Implementation Plan 2023 – 2028
“2. Aim and Objectives
2.1 The Council’s overarching aim is:
“To protect, enhance and manage our tree and woodland cover in a sustainable way for the benefit of current and future generations, wildlife, and nature”
SMBC are not averse to putting out tree planting propaganda like the posts below, and one wonders the impact of hundreds of trees being destroyed will have on their pathetic calculations. When you also consider their complicity in planned destruction of areas in Friar Park, Lion Farm and Brandhall golf course, the theory from the desk jockeys is seen for what it is. 

It is clear to see that the landowners, whom I will be scrutinising in an upcoming post had a clear intention of removing natural habitat and known and recorded species from their soiled “development opportunity” “brownfield” site. I have said in the past what this term means and it is political doublespeak for where the poor people can live, and “greenbelt” is doublespeak for where the rich people can live in splendid isolation. Anyone who wants to protect the so called “greenbelt” and who lives in urban areas does not have a fucking brain, and is so clueless it is not worth me even trying to explain concepts like this and the gaslighting of the political class who of course live in their splendid “greenbelt” isolation oasis.

The Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust also objected to the loss of open space and this area is still within the area known as “The Local nature area recovery network.” It is difficult to see what opportunity there is now, but certainly we know what was there, and this has been recorded. If the landowners come out with some latter day report written by a claimed environmental consultancy, that consultancy and their professional credibility will be put to the sword.

The forest may be gone, and the wildlife for now, but earth works, not sanctioned by any valid permission is a direct threat to public health. The council know this, and are obliged to protect us, even though they have failed miserably in that regard over many years.


I am going to be updating this website in order that local residents can have a full toolkit of resources and links to attack with- because be in no doubt, we are in for the fight of our lives against corrupt people with a corrupt planning system which does nothing any favours except pass ludicrous applications that destroy nature and wreck communities.

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Sandwell plan update- shifting goal posts and underhand methods


The useless Sandwell Plan is now thankfully out of the hands of Sandwell planning policy and is to be reviewed by a supposedly “independent” inspector appointed by the Secretary of State- erm, the one who wants to build as many rat holes for the dinghy donghy folk entering the country illegally via a safe NATO EU country- and many as a result of decades of wars propagated by the West in the Middle East for the military/industrial complex so Westminster scum can gain backhander rewards.

In terms of the aims of this website and conservation groups, the aim has always been to oppose the wretched con artistry that transpired throughout the 1990’s with shifting large amounts of foundry sand around for profit between three self proclaimed “areas” and then leaving fuck all when the easiest part- the former sewage works had gained development through appeal- in truth that appeal should never have been allowed but was- by an “independent inspector!”

This exposure of what went on then has been years in the making for myself, over half of my life, and in due course that story will be publicly revealed in full so that this independent inspector can see the light and not be conned like John Woolcock was in 2003. Not conned by phoney “expert witnesses” or random academics who made statements of absolute provable untruth such as “oxidation-reduction reactions over time “ would have lowered the amount of white phosphorus in the lagoon- BULLSHIT.

Not conned by the desire to shift around massive over tipped piles of foundry sand into a vacant hole- the lagoon, as regulators in 1990 ruled out totally in the Cremer and Warner report and then just leave it there knowing full well this site would never support built foundations. Not conned by the loss of bio diversity and scammed by “bio diversity credits” like some money laundering Maltese crypto currency. Yes, there are many things about these two sites which are scams and frauds, and have been since the days of the scumbag Sydney Sheldon.

Nine regulation 19 forms were submitted by myself, on behalf of The Friends of Sheepwash Local Nature Reserve, backed by a petition signed by many local residents of the Temple Way estate, and users of Sheepwash. Also supplied with this was a comprehensive set of evidence references which were mentioned on every form, as I feared they would be excluded or redacted by the council- who send the database responses off to the programme officer, and the inspector.

Needless to say, when the forms were published, I could see that the detailed evidence base HAD NOT BEEN. This file had clearly been sent with the forms, and a digital copy of the petition, and so I quickly contacted the programme officer about this matter, proving that it had been sent, and proving that the council had received it. I can only speculate that this was some oversight on the part of those behind this plan, but as I do not trust them in the least, I am certainly glad that the inspector now has a fuller understanding of what others would see less complex. This includes relevant evidence from Marianne Walsh- a real expert in white phosphorus chemistry and remediation from published papers during her time at the US Army Corp of Engineers- where in one instance, Rattlechain lagoon and the bird deaths were cited!

Sandwell council have now published more detail on the sites SH36 AND SH35– which includes the lagoon, without any comment or agreement that Rhodia/Solvay support this proposal- as last time in 2011 they did not when the question was asked of them. On this matter I need to digress.

These “scientists” have dodged answering questions about this site over countless years and have shown themselves to have a backbone of a yellow streak of piss, more jaundiced than the yellow phosphorus they thought was “safe” being dumped in the lagoon- and Dutton, Moorhouse, and co I’m talking about YOU! Sometimes I wonder if they contracted Giardiasis from their limited time at the waterside of their dump- as that may explain the yellow stool’s disorder in telling the truth.

If you had been honest with me from day one and not lied, misinformed and come out with semantic fucking shite, then the light of exposure may have never been out on you. You were just servants of a corporate machine and protectors of the chemical industry that dumps harmful material knowingly and then expects everyone to believe that it is “harmless” by claiming that what it is mixed in with can be found in “everyday items”. This was the standard lie of Albright and Wilson, and it was just continued over decades without scrutiny by every regulator and by pathetic civil servants in planning and contaminated land. 

I have to state, that I did not see this form at all during the consultation, and it appears to have been added post consultation. 



A checklist appears which in itself is not a credible start given that the two sites cannot be lumped together as one site- where evident, I will refer to these by the correct names, rattlechain lagoon- SL31 licence, and Fomer Duport’s Tip operating under several licences. The lagoon licence is still current and the site has not been fully remediated- hence no licence surrender. 

  • The “overgrown and neglected” area refers to the former Duport’s Tip side, though in truth, what does “overgrown” mean, when it was created as “private open space” in the title of the planning application? Any issues with neglect lie with the Hurst family entirely. 
  • The historic summary is just not acceptable and massages the truth about contamination issues.
  • A traffic light system is envisaged for certain criteria, and whoever wrote this is not qualified to make such assessments, nor credible in a professional capacity to do so.

  • Topography- er the site was over-tipped with foundry sand to levels never agreed by the regulators or in planning conditions!
  • Note that this states that a “tree survey may be required” – not that one has been completed. This is not a free pass to cut them all down!
  • Sandwell council again fail to mention the biodiversity at Sheepwash and the clear network within the identified Local Nature recovery network. This should be RED
  • I would state that the site DOES have visual amenity in an area swamped by housing. It is a valued asset in a landlocked area. Why is nature treated so flippantly here?
  • Flood risk- er that is not what the Environment Agency have commented in objection!
  • Ground contamination- well how do they manage to navigate around that elephant in the room? This imbecile who wrote this obviously knows nothing at all about the two separate sites, and their incompatibility. They know nothing about the proven systemic exposure to receptors, which the useless regulators could not see, or the risks to human health which remain- especially phosphine gas and the lagoon being dewatered. This was an obvious red, and the statement is inadequate characterisation of the issues to an almost childlike level- or the work of a liar more likely.   

  • Air quality- are you fucking serious? The issues of this site and the foundry sand ruining their homes is well documented but systematically ignored by SMBC environmental health and planners.
  • The failure to separate the sites in terms of past use or even mention the still active waste licence is again noted in the ridiculous over simplification.
  • “Issues of contamination and remediation may delay delivery”- no fucking shit! This should obviously be red given that the lagoon is still under licence!
  • In terms of current logistics and amenity, this too is over simplified in the matter of waste water and capacity adjacent to The River Tame. Severn Trent have a vested interest in this land, and should not be treated as an impartial consultee!

  • By the South, they presumably mean Gladstone Drive
  • Oh “slight congestion” are they even aware of this estate and its issues already! How is an extra 550 houses going to produce this!
  • How these idiots can claim that existing schools etc could accommodate this increase in housing, let alone other proposed sites in the plan as well is beyond belief.
  • It is noted that loss of wildlife oppurtunites or habitat loss not even assessed by these arseholes.

The existing landowner is not stated, but appears to me to be similar in suggestion to the supposed former land owner of questionable character.

  • The sustainability scores are nonsense diversions away from the constraint issues of remediation and who would pay for this- certainly not the fucking site owners by past experience who are already tapping the public purse for their Coneygree site, left in similar state by the Hurst family! It is this type of theory written by desk based prats that is the problem I gavce with all of this. The lack of knowledge or investigation is staggering, but on a par with people like John Baylay, who in public said one thing, and in private said that the site was “a crap site for residential!- which it was, and this one is even crapper still!

Well at least the good folk of Temple Way can sleep easier knowing that some ginger headed fucker will not be knocking their doors offering the remove the single trees in the gardens for “tirty tree” quid. How ironic that the only red is about where to put didicoys- piss off down BMH.

The loss of all that green space could not possibly result in the biodiversity net gain that the council love to talk abut on paper.


This smaller area once again is defined by its appearance suggesting the land owners have obviously left it in this manner, and yet appear to be incapable or unwilling to remedy their lack of management, presumably so they can tap the public purse to do it.

The idea that this is not in a flood risk zone when the site includes a certain large clue is beyond belief!


Once again, mention of a tree survey. There appears to be a large amount of cop/paste going on here with these sites, meaning that the real identification is not credible, but rushed to get the document out. The traffic light system is therefore a game of paper/scissors/stone and left to those who really know the land to make their own conclusions, and not theirs. Unless the planning inspector visits sites like this for himself, he is also reliant on guesswork that should not be the basis of such assessments. 

The most interesting comment is given in linking these two sites- ie, the same owners own SH36 to the majority of the SH35 site, minus rattlechain lagoon. I have asked to see the letter from who these agents are, as to date, I cannot find a record of it in the submissions for regulation 19.

I will deal with what has transpired on this site within the last two weeks in the next post, which makes a further mockery of Sandwell Council Planning Policy, their weak policies and the destruction of greenery in what they claimed would be “a garden city principle” scheme. 

When all this land is gone, where will we see any wildlife, as it will not be in any Garden City that the fools in planning policy at SMBC think can fit around their overcrowded residential hell they so love.  

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Opinion- Khant’s London can “go home” not come home to The West Midlands!

“Love where you RENT”, because you will never OWN your own home or anything else in the WEF controlled Khant galaxy- but don’t worry you’ll be “happy”. 

Why does London think that the rest of the UK should follow it! We had this testing ground bunch of prats to thank for the idea of creating metro mayors- or the roll out of zoned Baronary across the UK to create the idea of 15 minute city lockdown areas. Of course, they said “yes” as they do to everything that imposes unquestioning fascistic governance upon it like the EU.  The London boroughs say “migrants are welcome here” yet farm them out to the rest of the UK and our own back yard when they cannot take any more. Uncontrolled singular men who come here to rape young girls are not welcome here, and this is the uncomfortable truth the mainstream media are keen to play down, as well as the current Government who appear to be paedophile grooming gang enablers.

It is fairly obvious that MP’s and civil servants are being parachuted into our area to drive through “interventions”, “behaviour change” and control of policy running along the lines of the WEF liberal globalists who want you to “own nothing but be happy” by the year 2030. Their plan is that which is expressed in THIS ARTICLE- you have been warned! Do not talk of “conspiracy”- that is their device for those who expose their snake oil and show how their plans are a series of baby steps such as making everything “smart” which in reality means monitoring everything that you do, monitoring wherever you go and what you spend your money on.

The war mongering tyrant known as Blair often pops up with his “digital ID” bullshit on behalf of the silicon chip cult, a vessel further towards a cashless society and social credit system like China, where everything you buy or can buy is controlled by your compliance to diktats that obedience to commands allow.

Why have people surrendered their entire lives to mobile devices, glued to their hands like walking zombies, not listening to anyone talking out loud or watching where they are going, programmed for instruction when a signal goes off and controlled by pings, rings and messages- now “alerts” with Government propaganda about their “climate change” and “pandemic” hoaxes? How did it take just one generation to come to this and all the warnings of Orwell and even the lyrics of Simon and Garfunkel falling on deaf ears?

Khant’s regime is well known for lying about the impacts of emissions in and around the capital, and the lie of his “interventions”- road theft tithes– making some difference. Meanwhile every New Year’s Eve he wastes millions on polluting the London skies with fireworks whilst making some woke political stunt “diversity” shite statement. The very good work of the “blade runners” is to be condoned and commended for sabotaging his ambitions to control everyone’s movements by vehicle ULEZ whilst worrying about farting cows in the great reset- (theft of personal property, so you own nothing). Meanwhile blades on the streets are used every week in Sadiq’s lawless city where we hear of yet another teen stabbing almost daily. Even the name “London” appears to generate ethnic imported violence in areas like “Little London” in Walsall– too near our borders in Sandwell.

So woke and out of touch with the sane North of Watford are these cockney sparra plebs of Khant, that I think to protect ourselves, we should declare independence from the rest of the South and reform the Home Guard to keep them out, creating a major infrastructure project “The Great Wall of Watford” instead of their H$2 gravy train nonsense.

Mayors are obsessed with public transport and stopping free movement with cars in this new Starmergeddon. The lunatic Andy Street now thankfully gone, was smitten with his metro, that fails to run frequently, costs millions over budget on one line that could be walked within an hour and yet more lines being planned and overestimated in timescale of delivery and ever increasing costs. The Khant likes to rename lines after shockingly woke causes like domestic terrorist “suffragettes”. If and when London Bridge falls in a false flag operation, it would not surprise me in the least if a children’s competition urged by the mayor declared the winner to be inspired by something else from Walsall.

Go and take the knee under that!

Both Street and Khant have now been rewarded with knighthoods, though I doubt if these chevaliers would ever enter battle, though in the case of the former, he may like riding stallions. 😉

I recently, and whilst you still can travel by car into the heart of darkness went undercover into the lair of the enemy on a fact finding spy mission- well actually a visit and tour of Wembley Stadium to see what the Khant little odious goblin is brewing from Brent. The old stadium of the twin towers is long gone, and now a so called “Wembley Park” encompasses the new centre of sports and entertainment, where of course, the political class get free tickets for favours granted, and get to pose in those smug twitter picture selfies with fellow elites, or maybe some other social media these days now that is no longer politically favourable to them and cancellation is their mantra.

The old stadium plan

Now that the election in the US has gone a certain way we can perhaps look forward to the exodos of refugee American nonentity influencers and B list actors, so wonderfully captured  in parody in the film Team America World Police. Their hate of their own president is captured in their support of “Glutious Maximus” Khant, based on his past public arguments with Trump, salivating when calling him “sir” and supporting his fake “diversity” that in reality is outright discrimination against  majority white heterosexual masculinity. Of course they feted Weinstein, as Ricky Gervais so aptly pointed out until he was exposed. Labour like the Democrats of America appear to have enjoyed the connections and the company of paedophiles and sexual deviants, but then when they are outed form some type of sisterhood as though they have invented some victim group they never spoke about when the crimes were being committed. Strange that. No you are not welcome in OUR country, so please go home, fuck off and whine about your own domestic issues in The Huffington Post and on CNN.

The Democrat party of America psy-op and false Demi God

The new London skyline is high with apartments all under cctv surveillance at every corner. Sparsely populated trees are token set in tubs, to stop people driving no doubt out or in of the LTN areas and the whole area is a forum shrine to narcissism- every designer shop materialistic and cosmetic to personal appearance.

Set out like a Legoland playset

yet more fucking rainbows- sheese

The rising facades surround the stadium with a giant car park centrepiece. It struck me very much certainly after seeing the film Gladiator 2 that the idea of positions like Mayor and a “senate” or assembly are very much based on Roman Empire and provinces- the centrepiece of the city being a Colosseum or stadium. No one dies in gladiatorial combat at “Wembley Park” , but those in the private boxes sit on thrones like Caligula figures in splendour as those in the stands chant for their heroes and boo their villains on either team. Prince William, so the guide stated apparently has a seat warming feature with the press of a button when he attends matches, or perhaps a pop up pegging device would be more suited to his tastes? 🙁

So ugly is this brave new world that I needed a detox on entering the stadium itself. The tour itself was very good getting to see areas that were usually off limits and view some pieces of history that were from better times- before the rise of the Khantfather.

“Coming home”, or going to Rome?



Still gleaming?


It must be naturally easy for German players to raise their right arms when appealing for offside.

And then the tour was over as it began at the steps with statues of fallen “gladiators” of the past who would not recognise any of the surroundings or world that their bronzed likenesses now occupy.

I cannot imagine who would want to live in such a place of transient human movement but the civil service blob no doubt loves it there, as from this base they can all be “happy” rolling out the LTN networks across the UK awaiting the latest Khant command. We see these people, acolytes of the freak fake religion of “the society of friends”- (a liberal capitalist family monopoly)  and disciples of Howard  constructing their town plans in language like “garden city principles”– in reality the 15 minute city where the freak Quaker vermin operate from the centre.

There is always a glossy plan.

Big brother is watching you in 2024

“Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.”


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Happy 2025- Your alternative toxic calendar

Are you lucky enough to live in the 1km HSE consultation zone?


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU, except if you worked for Albright and Wilson or Rhodia, in which case UP YER BUM!!

Yes it’s that time of year when Solvay, now known as “Syensqo” push a calendar through local doors blowing their own trumpets, and trying to keep a lid on their own apparatus in the vile production units containing enough dangerous chemicals to wipe out an entire city.

This year, tomorrow to be exact, marks 16 years to the day since they released a toxic assault onto the local area.

It took years for the truth to come out about that one.


                 >>>>>>DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE CALENDAR BELOW<<<<<< 


2025 Toxic calendar

Don’t forget, The information contained in this calendar is important- please keep it in a *safe place *(preferably not in Oldbury).

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Festive cheer? Well how did I miss that one?

I do from time to time pass by the Mordor of Phosphorus towers B69 at Trinity Street. The signage has changed over time, of course from Albright and Wilson to the ghastly Monsieurs of Rhodia and then the Belgians of Solvay.

If ever there was a brownfield site for housing that would be one. A recent social media post however caught my eye about the annual alarm they sound to still look relevant once a year in October that sounds like an air raid siren. Here is a previous example and note the name.

From 2019 and that Friday 4th October

Of course in the 1970’s it was Cissie Jones’s nose that alerted anyone to spillages or smells emanating from the factory of death where the police admitted they had not a clue as to what to do if something happened, and even in more recent times during a toxic release, the blighters from Langley didn’t sound any alarm at all! 

But to the recent post……..


At first I thought of a nasal blockage remedy, or maybe the Langley Band venturing into a tribute act to Status Quo. 😆 I straight away investigated who this new name was, and surprise surprise SYENSQO it turns out, pronounced “Science Co” , is  a spin off Belgian company which is basically just Solvay in disguise and was set up around one year ago. This split is interesting and for me it perhaps suggests that the writing is on the wall for this long standing site- when foreign owned the break up and eventual withdrawal from the UK is on the cards.

The site employs a shadow force of what it used to back in the Albright and Wilson days- no doubt as a result of lack of human need and also less products being made there.

It has taken Oldbury nearly a year to replace the Solvay branding- perhaps another clue as to how little valued this old contaminated problem site is to the EU Brussels based crew. A satellite entity based in Brexit Britain will be too expensive to keep afloat- unless of course , it pays its way. The parent will not bail it out if it doesn’t and the divestment will commence.

apparently, they have brought together “the greatest scientific minds” LOL

According to their website- the are “explorers”

The new tag line “advancing humanity” is typical of the times- perhaps a nod to AI or hybrid humanity injected with artificial life. It will certainly not be advancing my life in any way and nor will it to the local population who still live in the shadow of a top tier COMAH site that could blow at any moment. Don’t wait for the alarm if there is a real incident- because they won’t sound it. 


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Opinion- Is this the thickest councillor in Sandwell council’s 50 year history?


There have been over the last 50 years of this rotten borough what can only be described as “beauties” in terms of the calibre of local amateur politicians- usually elected through nepotism, union position or for political block vote tokenism. Someone once described to me one particular individual from the Tipton area as “having less brains than a dog fart.” I couldn’t comment as I never had dealings with the individual, though unfortunately over the years with my campaigning for environmental and animal issues I have had the misfortune to encounter certain characters who would be more at home at a cadaver convention, falling asleep at meetings and not having a fucking clue when “chairing” meetings without a constant look to the side for someone to whisper in their ear as to what to say  or do next.

Generally I don’t have time for the political class, and their company and counsel is perhaps on my not to do bucket list slightly under “gargling white phosphorus” , “voting liberal” and ” “looking for gloves” with Ian Brady on the moors”.

It is fairly clear to me that few understand the issues of pollution and the amount of history behind the story at Rattlechain, and fewer still who have bothered to put their head above the parapet and ask meaningful questions of scrutiny that put officers in environmental health and planning on the back foot, when most of the time these civil service swine are holding cock for polluters and developers.

This case from 1993 was in the thick of the swindle concerning foundry sand dumping across both the former Duport’s Tip and the Coneygree site, both being despoiled by the same individuals with “reclamation” claims for doing so. If ever there was a Perry Mason needed to expose what was going on here- dumping a waste and being paid for doing so, whilst also claiming to be preparing the land for redevelopment at which point they would get a fat wedge for the sale- but only with planning permission in place of course.

The story from the 3rd March Express and Star describes how Mintworth had built up a “mini-mountain” of foundry sand, but the councillor- one Gill Geddes– elected as a very rare Conservative in the area of Tipton Green appears vacant of the facts of the case.

The first thing to state is that Mintworth were never “contractors”. They were entirely behind the dumping of foundry sand as tatters- recovering metal from the process for their own profit, and then dumping what they did not want as payment recovered from the foundry companies who paid them to do it. They make the point clear in a desperate charm offensive when they distributed material to local residents about what would unfold- but minus the reality of dust, delays and over tipping.

The Express and Star of 3rd March 1993 is off-piste of the facts of the case, which is the turds falling out of the mouth of Geddes.

“but it is not the contractors that I blame. They are forced to dump this waste because there is no where else to take it.”

WHAT ABSOLUTE BOLLOCKS! Mintworth were not “forced” to dump this waste, they did it as their polluting business, creating nothing but “misery” at these two sites. Why should their activities supplant the quality of life for local residents? The comment by the SMBC representative is also telling in that there would be “room for the waste at rattlechain” and that activities would be “more closely monitored in future.” There was a fucking waste management licence at this site just like that at their other site that they were regularly breaching- where were the regulators and why did they not enforce the law and these licence conditions? Of course the problems only stopped when Mintworth abandoned the site without complying with any remediation of the waste mound they had left behind on top of an abandoned limestone mine!

A memo of note around this time to Tony Rice of SMBC from Clive Dutton of BCDC- an absolutely useless fucking twat held in high regard beyond belief in getting cushy civil service jobs, is interesting in terms of both of Mintworth’s sites. Again the lack of security is noted, as are Mintworth going “flat out”. It is noted that Dutton states that “this should trigger our enforcement strategy for Coneygree. I noticed yesterday that the mound is enormous and that plant is currently operating on its summit. ” He is unsure as to whether this was freshly tipped material or that supposedly going to “rattlechain”.

It is of course worth pointing out again that the BCDC were fully complicit in creating this farce. But why the lack of enforcement procedure , or even stripping the polluters of the licence altogether? Alexander Gibb were contracted by BCDC to monitor activities at the Duport’s tip/sewage works site, yet despite reporting multiple concerns, the BCDC only ever appeared to want to request meetings with Mintworth about these breaches.

Geddes’s area would include the Temple Way estate at this time in the Tipton Green ward- thus shifting piles from one side of the ward to another, and no wonder voters lanced her at the first opportunity, that is if she even stood again. 

“Unlimited quantities”

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INVESTIGATION AND OPINION- “Unlimited quantities”- The foundry sand dumping tatters

An advert from the Birmingham Post 1977. “Foundry and steelworks waste disposal specialist” LOL “All types of waste.” Double LOL. “UNLIMITED QUANTITY.” Triple LOL

Some people have absolutely no shame, no concern for the “misery” that they inflict on others with their actions of avarice, and are too conceited to even have their actions questioned or put under scrutiny because they believe themselves entitled and above the law because they find loopholes to exploit the weaknesses within it for all that they are worth. 

I have no time for multinational global scum like those in the chemical industry who dumped and poisoned birds like Albright and Wilson/Rhodia and whose staff are compulsive odious liars who do not like to be “caught out”. But there are others like the conman, fraudster and criminal Sydney Sheldon who made much out of the remnants of post war industrialism by flogging off holes to be filled with waste demolition crap, and in particular foundry sand.

This material is shite. It was used as a filler because the industry that produced it wanted to offload their crap in huge amounts. So enter the goffer tatters with a tipper from the 1960’s who suddenly become fake “reclamation” experts and you see how organised fly tipping of an unwanted material with the auspices of a waste management licence made some entrepreneurs very rich men.

In a report written in 1978 as part of a structure plan for the county, it is revealed that the West Midlands area covered 89,000 hectares (22,000 acres), with approximately 9,000 industrial manufacturing companies. It notes “Many of these industrial processes, such as chemical and metal finishing, give rise to a wide range of wastes, which include highly toxic materials.”

It estimated from the survey that the West Midlands industry  produced approximately 2,500,000 tonnes of waste! Of this some 480,000 tonnes were “hazardous wastes. “

The largest amount of waste it notes came from the Sandwell area in the form of foundry sand being produced from the manufacture of castings and slags from iron and steel production.


Birlee Industrial, fronted by John Stewart Hurst and Frank Ewart Pomlett were prominent in dumping this material in “unlimited quantities” as per the Birlee Industrial advert.

They occupied multiple areas- Birchfield Lane, Dudley Port, Coneygree Road and then more latterly Phoenix House in the aptly named CASTLE Street, and dumped in multiple sites and connections to these sites which I have looked at previously at Coneygree and of course the Duport’s Tip. But there are others, and one of  interest that I will examine here. Obviously, “no valley was too deep or no mountain too high” for these clowns.


1977 Credit Black Country History in photos facebook

This site located in West Bromwich near to Walsall Road in Stone Cross and off Bustleholme Lane was a prior tipping point to their endeavours at Duport’s and Coneygree. Originally this appears to have been a sand quarry.

There is a little pre history to this dumping which I have found in The British Newspaper archive, and once again local residents were not happy with what took place or was planned to. The Sandwell Evening Mail of 26th April 1976 kicks us off.


This article explains the lie of the land as it then stood. The owners of the quarry were an outfit called “MIDLAND MOTOR CYCLE CYLINDER CO. LTD” supposedly based in Smethwick. One of the things you have to be careful of with the foundry sand dumpers was their love of phoenix company proxy shams and multiple “companies” under different names. I do not know what relationship existed between Birlee Industrial and this one, but maybe the bike bandits answered the ad at the top of the page? 😆

Of course we were now officially into the era of the useless West Midlands County Council and the Control of Pollution Act which saw the issuing of vaguely worded licences with an SL prefix headed by the moron Ken Harvey as County Waste Disposal officer.

The local residents fear what is to come- and so they should have in their comfortable but modest homes in which some had lived in throughout the Second World War. Quite frankly from what I have been told, I would have preferred to take my chances with the blitz to a latter day yellow digger down my way owned by Messrs Pomlett and Hurst. 😆 The craters alone from bomb placement would probably have been less damaging.

The loss of green space was even then worrying to them- well try seeing what is left now poor dears!

Of course the WMCC said “yes” to this, passing a site licence that would be titled SL88.  

It was mentioned at the 20th October 1977 meeting of the waste disposal and pollution control committee and one of 35 sites that had been issued a licence at that point. I am a little suspicious of “BIR metals” as well to be honest.

We turn to our old friend showing multiple site licences for more info, (scroll down to cell number 9049).


Records show that this licence was issued on 15/2/1977, and that the first input of waste stated as being delivered on 28/ 2/1977. 

Such waste disposal licences required a planning application by law to accompany them, and whilst I do not know if one was actually issued at this time, with waste already being dumped and moved around, as per the photo at the top of the page, it appears that the operation continued for some time before the end purpose was addressed.

According to Sandwell Council’s planning website, the following application DC14000 “Regrading and recontouring with erection of houses” was submitted on 11th September 1981.

Obviously for whatever reason this decision was not reached quickly. By 1982 as reported in 21st May Sandwell Evening Mail we see the process still ongoing and the fury of local residents who claim they had been conned by the sand men from Tipton.

Unfortunately, the political stunt of a “public meeting” was another charade by those in Sandwell council, belated playing to the gallery with the decision already having been in the bag from day one. The “skyscraper flats” referred to are still there, but now in garish multicoloured flavours that look terrible. The loss of open space so Cllr Bill Melia claimed had been promised to be left when the infilling was complete, but I think that you would have to be very naive to believe a couple of blokes with a tipper truck and a broad smile on a promise. 😳

A subsequent article in the same paper dated 29th June 1982 promised a “showdown” with council officers and planners and the aggrieved residents. The plan to build 60 homes on the 15 acre former void would be “thrashed out”. In reality of course, the locals would get fuck all say.

And sure enough, the publicity stunt meeting appeared to be advertised in the Evening Mail of July 14th stating that the application had been deferred at  the planning meeting held in May.

The following month the can was kicked down the road again, or maybe the desert highway when it was stated that the planning meeting would give residents another say to reject the proposals. The 24th August Mail repeated the earlier comments of local councillors after votes and stated that the unanimous opposition to the homes scheme but that Birlee were now claiming that the majority of the site would remain “open space”. We would hear that one again elsewhere with the schemers behind this! They also use the tool of emotional blackmail stating that fly-tipping would occur if approval was not given. They would use this technique as well in the future, despite abandoning land and leaving it in a derelict state after “regrading and recontouring”- basically a ploy to dump more foundry sand and shift the piles around.

After the planning meeting the  26 August 1982, the paper reported that another gaslighting technique would be used- the full council vote, enabling those in planning to escape making a decision themselves. As for the site being left as “an eyesore” I do not know what fucking cheek these conmen were peddling here given their repeated method of doing just that. I have no doubt that promises were made to leave it as open space, but that was never the intention- just a foot in the door to avoid opposition at that time to tipping.

And so to the inevitable kick in the teeth. After the full council meeting procrastination the  13th October Mail reported on the council sell out. You do not have to be a genius to see how “The scheme was pushed through by council’s controlling Labour group.” to see how this corrupt party have done the same multiple times in this rotten borough for the last 50 years, ignoring petitions, their own “consultations” and sometimes even their own officers in the pursuit of rampant house building on green space. .


What happened next is a mystery to me as it appears that this outline application, and see above, was not decided until 2nd December 1985 according to the decision notice! The last claimed input of waste at the site is stated to be 1/4/1985- meaning that tipping had been continuing throughout the spun out planning homes saga- for a total of 8 years since the licence had been approved. This technique of playing for time with bullshit excuses and new proposals would become the standard MO of Pomlett and Hurst and their associate companies. 


The approval listed just three standard conditions without mentioning anything about the open space.

I submitted an FOI request to Sandwell Council requesting the site licence and the area on a map that it occupied.

Site licence SL88 Bustleholme Quarry West Bromwich – a Freedom of Information request to Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council – WhatDoTheyKnow

The council responded which can be viewed HERE.

The site licence has several interesting jig-saw pieces that explain some of the issues mentioned above, and also raise further questions.


This licence confirms the correct date of issue of 15th February 1977, and bears the signature of the idiot Harvey. However despite being issued to the motor cycle outfit from Smethwick, it also has a stamp confirming transfer to Birlee Industrial on 22/6/1981, thus prior to the planning application. Birlee were obviously doing a job for the land owner company as they had at Duport’s Tip, but then acquired it for further gain. 


This licence had 36 conditions, and I will highlight the most important ones starting with what was allowed to be deposited.

660, maybe they should have allowed another 6 to be generous 😈 were allowed to be dumped in the form of “foundry sand”, “foundry slags” and more concerningly “general rubbish”. You can see from such a vague description as to why these licences today cause problems , no less than the putrescible waste that was dumped at Duport’s tip that evolved landfill gas! Harvey’s WMCC was an utter joke with “control” of pollution and they did not control anything.

Most of the conditions are the standard fair that were duplicated on most of the licences such as hours of operation, and maintaining tidy conditions. There were however phased areas within the site which are shown in the drawing further on.

Condition 15 is where this gets interesting in terms of what I believe the local residents and councillors were talking about and the green space left at the end

Condition 27 is very interesting given the tatters and their metal reclamation from the foundry!

The final condition is that the licence was to be cancelled by 31/3/1982 with no more tipping.

I have scanned the plan below and compare this to the site photo taken in the same year when operations were clearly in progress. NB the photo is turned upside down to match the plan with the border with Walsall Road at the top.

The council did not provide a plan of the licence in the current area but did show another plan of the site in drawing form. 

NB This is upside down but I have corrected it below to compare with the map on the council website for DC/14000 area.

The licence confirms that two amendments were made to the licence, with the first being a time extension- something that would be frequently repeated with sites in the ownership of those in question. The new deadline issued to Birleee who had by this time assumed the licence was extended to October 31st 1982 by virtue of deleting condition 36 and replacing it with condition 37 bearing the new deadline. 

The now replaced and deceased Ken Harvey was succeeded by the calamitously named Michael Jackson!

Note the Coneygre address

a man in a michael jackson costume is covering his mouth with his hands .

And shamone MF, Jackson would again fuck the community over by deleting this condition in the subsequent amendment deleting condition 37 on 15th March 1983thus giving no end date at all for the boys from the sand stuff to end their tipping free for all! 

One can see from this that this bungling waste of space authority were adapt at screwing people over in favour of continued pollution.

The licence at this site would not be surrendered until 31/12/1994, by which time Birlee Industrial had long morphed into the Mintworth brand

The houses built were perhaps the ironically named “Whitworth Drive” with a silent “s”, comprising 1-59 and 2-60. At the top of the square former quarry, some space was left as green space in a similar way to the Duport’s tip. This has since been called “Hayward’s nature area” and I did have to smile when I saw this sign prominently located on part of it. Remember the Birlee claims? 😛

Looks like a bit of sandy dust has blown onto it. LOL!

Cleaner one

Whitworth Drive, built on foundry sand dumping


It is interesting to see the cross over periods of dumping between these sites preceding or that were concurrent with the dire events at Duport’s and Coneygree. 

Other sites having the Birlee touch and sometimes Mintworth glow are


(Listed as Mintworth limited)

Licence number listed as 6/A/80/0172, B06, 9999/9737

South Staffordshire county council

Licence issued 16/2/1977

First input listed 31/1/1969

Last input not listed

Licence surrender 27/3/1991


Quarry Road, Dudley Wood, Cradley Heath, West Midlands

Listed as “Birlee Industries Ltd”

Licence SL236

Licence issued 28/2/1978

First input of waste 07/05/1978 

Last input of waste 31/01/1980

No info regards licence surrender


Birlee Industrial Limited

Site Licence SL301


LICENCE  ISSUED              SURRENDERED             FIRST INPUT          LAST                                                                                                                                                   INPUT

13/11/1979 30/04/1994 31/12/1979 31/12/1984


Huntington Farm, Limekiln Lane, New Works Lane,  Little Wenlock, Telford, Shropshire

Licence issued                                 licence surrender                          First waste                                                                                                                                        input

17/2/1978            31/7/1980               31/12/1969

As part of a planning application for the coneygree site, we get a precis of the activities of Birlee at Bustleholme but now assuming the name “Mintworth”, as though the newer concept was not distinct from the older version.

“The key to the success of Mintworth Limited has been tight control of the economics of land reclamation, in particular the processing of foundry sand waste to recover metal content and the haulage and controlled placing of inert fill by-products from the processing.”

In other words “tatting for metal” and dumping the rest in holes


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The Temple Way-Dead scumbags society- Why name streets after croaked politicians?

It started with the TEMPLE Way estate in the mid 1970’s by Charter Homes and it was clear that this estate built on a tipping free for all by the crooked scumbag criminal Sydney Sheldon would expand to accommodate more former agricultural land for housing. But who was this named after, as a newby to the area may be mistaken for thinking that the Balaji temple nearby was where it got its name. Not so, as this structure was commenced far more recently in 1992.

Henry John Temple, 3rd viscount Palmerstone was Prime Minister of this wretched country between 1855-1858 and 1859-1865. What is even worse is that he was the first Liberal Prime Minister. His father and therefore his whole family gained power through a rotten borough system of land ownership and the peerage system. Perhaps after all, naming the area estate after him was not out of place in the borough of Sandwell with Oldbury at its centre!

The bright idea therefore of this estate by those in the council was to choose British Prime Ministers as the names of the streets,  with much later additions to those from the 1970’s continuing the leitmotiv of political heavyweight dross, but in their deluded eyes perhaps to gentrify the area with these “paragons of virtue”? Perhaps these were all free masons, that would not surprise me at all. 😉

Obviously, Lord Palmerstone as he was known gives its name to another extension street off Macdonald Close Palmerstone Drive. Shelbourne Close is named after William Petty who was the second earl of Shelburne though Sandwell council appear to have misspelt the name!

Macdonald Close is named after the more recent Ramsey MacDonald, though without the capital D retained.

Addington Way is named after Henry Addington. 

Of course we then have Gladstone Drive after Liberal William Gladstone, and Law Close after the short lived 7 month PM  Bonar Law. 

In between the two non consecutive terms of Gladstone there was three time Tory boy  Robert Gasgoyne- Cecil ,which is where the name Cecil Drive comes in. Of course Peel Way gets its name from rozzer founder Robert Peel.

There is Balfour Drive which I declare is named after Arthur Balfour.

Another Cul-de-sac off Temple Way Russell Close is named after the obscure Whig John Russell. 

Asquith Drive obviously after double H Asquith

One of the weakest prime ministers ever Neville Chamberlain gets the nod with Chamberlain Close.

Winston Churchill is immortalised with the T shaped Churchill Close, whilst his  successor Clement Attlee gets Attlee Close. 

Peace time Stanley Baldwin has Baldwin Close named after him. One of the newer add ons to the estate is Campbell- Bannerman Way where Henry of the same double barrel gets the nod.

We then get to the more recent “dearly” departed.

Harold Macmillan sees Macmillan Close commemorated after him.

Anthony Eden , the Albright and Wilson shiller and another candidate for the worst British Premier ever has greatness thrust upon him with Eden Close

The two Labour shiesters ironically built on the former sewage works are enshrined in history with Wilson Drive (Harold Wilson), and Callaghan Drive, (James Callaghan)- who was another AW arse licker in chief.

There are other streets on the estate which allude me Gordon Drive (the Scottish gold flogging goldfsh?) , Shinwell Crescent and Healey Drive, and not to mention Warwick Gardens, Cartwright Gardens, Hamilton Drive and Thornton Close on the periphery which may not have been named after number 10 Downing Street squatters. Answers on a postcard please if you can tell me anything about these origins. Were they that desperate that they named a street after eyebrows Dennis? Keir Hardie of Keir Hardie Walk fame was never a Prime Minister of this country, and neither was Hugh Gaitskell of Gaitskell Terrace though obviously the Labour lovies wanted to honour them as if they had been. By that token should we also have a “Duncan- Smith Drive” or a Pants down Way?

Surely there are ordinary people who were honest, did not lie and achieved something in their lives connected to the area they came from that deserved to have a historic recognition of a road named after them, where NONE OF THE NAMED ABOVE HAVE ANY CONNECTION TO THE AREA. But that is the problem of having politicians name streets, as they eulogise their own in death after knifing them in the back in life.

Of course, if this shite continues can we expect Thatcher Road, Major Grove, Johnson Crew, Truss Fold, Sunak Mews, Cameron Meadow, Brown Street and worst of all Blair Rise? 

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Sandwell Local Plan- closing thoughts

So the latest phase of this farce comes to a close with the “consultation” now over- 11th November.

Comments have been made regards several policies within the document as well as the housing allocations SH35 and SH36 on their unsoundness in the plan. I would like to thank all those who signed a new petition supporting this and hope that it will help to go some way into kicking this longstanding nonsense into touch once and for all.

At the heart of this scheme is the desire to move large amounts of over tipped foundry sand from one tip into another, dumped for profit at that time, into a vacant hole filled with toxic waste. The nature of the chemical within the lagoon make this impossible for safe development, but those behind the scheme only want that hole to serve as a cheap means of decanting the over tipped foundry sand into another pile so they can build on the waste that was moved off the former sewage works. It is a carousel FRAUD of “reclamation” that has been ongoing since the late 1980’s , and there are some people who remember what went on then and fear what could happen again when the dusts of time have settled and memories are a little faded. SO LEST WE FORGET. 

1994 The blackened foundry sand hill should not be tipped into the toxic lagoon so houses can be built by conmen and liars

Claims that were made to attempt to link the two tips in 2011 at the site allocations examination have not materialised in the last 13 years, and yet, we just appear to be at the same drawing board stage as then expected to believe that something will be different by 2034- half way into the Sandwell plan period. 



I have spoken to many people who do remember and are concerned about-

  • The flooding in Law Close which would occur again if the mountain was moved around
  • The dusts blowing into their properties and onto their cars
  • The statutory nuisance of vibrations when machinery shook their houses
  • The lack of interest from Sandwell council environmental health to the issues
  • The health impacts of breathing in foundry sand and other wastes blowing in the wind
  • The “two years” of operations on site that morphed into at least ten

  • The same bogus timescale being used again with a raft of excuses as to why extra time is needed- as per the section 73 applications that replaced another failed planning application condition- like a street whore dropping their drawers when a new car comes into view. 
  • The lack of political interest in tackling the issues
  • The difficulties now in getting off the Temple Way estate by car
  • How that would be even more difficult when as now finding yourself in Gladstone Drive and Macdonald Close on the edge of the estate you suddenly find yourself in the new middle of it. 
  • The loss of valued green space, especially as a means of escape during the fascistic “lockdown”

On the political note, I emailed 10 councillors in four different wards around the site and which if a new housing scheme went ahead of 500 plus extra houses would impact all of the wards of Great Bridge, Oldbury, Tividale and  Tipton Green.

“Hi Ian,
Thank you for your email and letter. I would be more than happy to assist you in your opposition to this part of the local plan. 
Just to confirm you have submitted a representation to the consultation?

I got one decent response from Will Gill, above and thank him publicly for supporting local residents. Do remember that silence is support for the other side, and not for the people who will be impacted and also that all of these councillors will be up for election in 2026, and please do vote out the silent ones when the opportunity arises- they are not on your side.  

Sandwell council live in fantasy land with their statements in the sustainability report mentioning these two sites.

Good luck trying to “resolve” the constraints.

Oh there are “some issues” with ground conditions LOL

All of this will go to a public examination next year in a process framed under planning presumption in favour of development and to a supposedly “independent” planning inspector. Whatever happens then, I say this to those who are proposing this scheme.

I will be coming out swinging. Never before will you have encountered scrutiny and criticism like that you will be facing from me, and I will call out your bullshit phoney consultants and their “pre-loading” fucking shite to their face, reminding the inspector of the previous mounds of foundry sand they claimed could be reclaimed in the same way at Coneygree and Shidas Lane, (and this same not materialised hair brained scheme they proposed in 2011 that could be achieved by 2021),  and just ended up as costs to the public purse down the line. 

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