Monthly Archives: December 2024

Festive cheer? Well how did I miss that one?

I do from time to time pass by the Mordor of Phosphorus towers B69 at Trinity Street. The signage has changed over time, of course from Albright and Wilson to the ghastly Monsieurs of Rhodia and then the Belgians of … Continue reading

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Opinion- Is this the thickest councillor in Sandwell council’s 50 year history?

OPINION There have been over the last 50 years of this rotten borough what can only be described as “beauties” in terms of the calibre of local amateur politicians- usually elected through nepotism, union position or for political block vote … Continue reading

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INVESTIGATION AND OPINION- “Unlimited quantities”- The foundry sand dumping tatters

Some people have absolutely no shame, no concern for the “misery” that they inflict on others with their actions of avarice, and are too conceited to even have their actions questioned or put under scrutiny because they believe themselves entitled … Continue reading

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