Planning History 1950’s








1.      OB/12/50 Construction of brick built lean to- “For handling phosphorus in connection with the manufacture of phosphorus pentasulphide.”

2.      OB/53/53 “Erection of building to house refrigeration unit”. This application was not provided on the search history in error and was refused but resubmitted as OB/64/53 and approved.

3.      OB/94/54 “Extensions” were to “ laboratory  for development of phosphates.”

4.      OB/136/55 “This application is for the erection of two small chimneys and an asbestos superstructure on the roof of the existing building. I understand that the applicants have stated that no smoke, dust or fumes will be emitted and if this is so then I recommend that permission to develop be granted.”- The naive and uninformed view of the planning officer granting permission on the say so of Albright and Wilson. Compare this application to the statements made in this subsequent application on the Trinity Street site.

5.      OB/16/56


Admission of toxic gases


“Emission of sulphur dioxide and phosphorus pentoxide” are incredibly admitted to be happening from this building by the Oldbury Borough engineer surveyor without any concern whatsoever for either the work force or the surrounding community, yet he supports development on the basis that he “hopes” this emission of toxic gases may be reduced if the development goes ahead!



1. OB/21/57 “Proposed organic phosphorus compounds building”

2. OB/129/57  “Formerly the site of process buildings which have been demolished to permit the redevelopment of part of the site.”

3.OB/12358 A concrete fence to replace the wooden one along Park Lane.

4. OB/68/58  “There is already a similar super-structure on this building and I do not think that the erection of an additional one would do any harm.” Borough surveyor recommending permission to allow more asbestos roofing onto the existing asbestos roof.

On the application form a question is asked concerning whether permission has previously been obtained for development in respect of this building. “NO, THE MAIN BUILDING WAS ERECTED DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR.”

5. OB/137/58 Warehouse building for “finished products (powders).”

6. OB/86/59 “Old pentasulphide building to be altered to accommodate new oil additives (1700) plant”

7.OB/177/59 Manufacture of zinc phosphate and zinc nitrate and blending to “spra-bonderite solutions.” NB “SPRA-BONDERITE” WAS A CHEMICAL RUST PROOF SUBSTANCE.


The Albright and Wilson factory post war was a spewing industrial cesspit stain on the area.