Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Oldbury Smell- Resurrection

The “cat” that truly appears to have nine lives has returned to the area of Langley! Local reporters and social media users have recently noted that the smell of Tom Cat piss is wafting over the area, and dispersing on … Continue reading

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The Dudley BUGgers- A council’s Black Country Plan fix

  It has recently been announced that this useless document which sets out proposals for building yet more houses over the next several years to 2039 attracted thousands of comments- most I would imagine in objection. It was also revealed that … Continue reading

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The life of Arthur Albright- Liberal truths are none at all

  There is nothing more perverse to me than the Liberal mindset. It is a thinking based on some noble large intention, but the problem for the Liberal is that it is completely unobtainable and doomed to failure in the … Continue reading

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