Monthly Archives: June 2020

More Barnett family falls and fortunes

I have previously outlined how workers at Samuel Barnett‘s dangerous Rattlechain brickworks site had died but had received little in the way of public attention. Another had seriously broken his leg leaving him unable to work.  The main architect of … Continue reading

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An extraordinary #Rattlechain Brick and Clay record

Well, I thought I had found all there was available to find with the former Rattlechain brickworks, which forms the bowl of the hazardous waste lagoon of today, but how wrong I was! I have found an extraordinary article from … Continue reading

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White Phosphorus misadventures#3 Grange Spill

    It defies belief that white phosphorus appears to have been present in school science lessons well into the 1980’s at least. The amateur chemist teachers obviously believed it would be a good trick to make their class sit … Continue reading

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