Monthly Archives: December 2013

The seventh day of Christmas

    On the seventh day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee….. Several swans  not swimming, Sick geese not laying, CANCER- Benzene rings. p4 dying birds, Ill health trends, pain- phossy jaw,  and a toxic cloud over Langley.    

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The sixth day of Christmas

      On the sixth day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee….. Sick geese not laying, CANCER- Benzene rings. p4 dying birds, Ill health trends, pain- phossy jaw,  and a toxic cloud over Langley.    

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The fifth day of Christmas

      On the fifth day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee….. CANCER- Benzene rings. p4 dying birds, Ill health trends, pain- phossy jaw,  and a toxic cloud over Langley.    

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The fourth day of Christmas

    On the fourth day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee….. p4 dying birds, Ill health trends, pain- phossy jaw,  and a toxic cloud over Langley.    

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The third day of Christmas

      On the third day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee….. Ill health trends, pain- phossy jaw,  and a toxic cloud over Langley.              

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The second day of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee….. pain- phossy jaw    and a toxic cloud over Langley.    

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The first day of Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas Santa Wilson gave to thee…..    a toxic cloud over Langley.    

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Rattlechain Nativity

Rat-a-tat-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat, Yes! Yes! Yes! There is a little room And you may stay here, We have a little place for strangers. Come in feel the heat  have a shower and brush your teeth, it is full of warmth and friendliness-and-safe … Continue reading

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Rattling around

  An eery quiet at Rattlechain lagoon now as the works of 2013 become a fading memory. Following a freedom of information request, it can now be seen that the purpose of these works had more about them than the … Continue reading

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The Quest

Once upon a time….. a chemical crusading knight awaited his destiny. Tales of a far off land with a terrible pestilence were told by the few migrating birds that had returned to tell the tale. A wasteland guarded by a … Continue reading

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