Monthly Archives: August 2022

The other Rattle Chain Lagoon

I have looked previously at the location app called what3words in connection to rattlechain lagoon.   Some of the 3 square metre locations within the site offer some pretty hilarious and relevant 3 word unique combinations. I think my favourite is … Continue reading

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White phosphorus misadventures#12 A wee dram on the tram

This white phosphorus misadventure involves yet another common theme, foolish youth associated with dangerous chemicals. I suppose some people never grow up and continue to play with them in industry- per Albright and Wilson.  😈 To Scotland then and the … Continue reading

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SMBC Planning Department- Withholding information and passing Hazardous Substance consents under lockdown stealth

There is a major problem with Sandwell Council’s planning department in the way in which they are working for applicants and NOT for the public. Many examples have come to light about officers scheming with developers who just happen to … Continue reading

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White phosphorus misadventures#11 A silly Miss Burns

    Well, this one concerns red phosphorus actually.  😛 I have looked at white phosphorus and accidents in schools in this post, when it used to be allowed in school laboratories. There was another case of misadventure where an idiot … Continue reading

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