White phosphorus misadventures#12 A wee dram on the tram

This white phosphorus misadventure involves yet another common theme, foolish youth associated with dangerous chemicals. I suppose some people never grow up and continue to play with them in industry- per Albright and Wilson.  😈

To Scotland then and the 2nd May 1951 Edinburgh Evening News , where a couple of wee Jimmies got more than they bargained for when playing with the Devil’s element.

Fan-dabi-implozi !

Apparently, the two Glaswegian youngsters did not know that Phosphorus has to be stored in water, and again one of them put it in their pocket after nicking some from school. Obviously, his behind or jock parts were badly burned in the incident, which also affected passengers on the tram who tried to douse the flames. No time for trainspotting here then.  😆

So I suppose the moral of the story is, if you are going to put P4 in your pocket, it might help to keep it moist.  😛  😆  😆


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