Monthly Archives: April 2023

White phosphorus misadventures #18 Incendiary women posting phosphorus

We have seen several instances of white phosphorus being used for suicide, and also notorious murders, but the origins of it being used for weapons of war appear to have started with so called “Fenian fire”- Irish republican terrorism from … Continue reading

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White phosphorus misadventures #17 The end for rat girl Harriet

Domestic service was a Victorian and Edwardian era social disease. One in three women are believed to have worked in this industry as servants by this time in history, and their “masters” included rogues like Arthur Albright and Samuel Barnett, … Continue reading

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White phosphorus misadventures #16 Phosphorus Fanny

This misadventure, another suicide comes from the Wakefield and West Riding Herald of 15th November 1902.  Fanny Beck obviously didn’t like life that much in Leicester as as school mistress and took a multitude of poisonous substances including phosphorus and match … Continue reading

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