Monthly Archives: August 2018

Albright’s toxic archive links #12 Not the first Trinity Street phosphine leak

  They appear to have always had a problem holding in their gas at the home of the chemical Mordor that is the Trinity Street polluting phosphorus factory. In fact the serious leak of phosphine in 2009 that resulted in … Continue reading

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HS/040- What local residents need to know

There is currently a very important planning application which affects the whole of Langley and most of the surrounding area of Oldbury. Be in no doubt, this hazardous substance consent, sought by a company which has repeatedly failed to control … Continue reading

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The new Solvay Hazardous Substance consent mystery

It was recently revealed in a concealed application next to a couple of dodgy massage parlour adverts in The Express and Star Newspaper that the serial polluters and toxic chemical assaulters of PO Box 80 Trinity Street have applied to … Continue reading

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