Monthly Archives: March 2023

“Monitoring” the chain

There has been recent activity at Rattlechain lagoon which may well be the supposed twice yearly “monitoring” by Rhodia/Solvay’s “environmental consultants”. Back in 2013, these were ERM, or Environmental Resources Management, who stated at an open day event concerning the … Continue reading

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A second chance for Albright and Wilson’s P4 propaganda video

“REMEMBER PHOSPHORUS ALLOWS NO SECOND CHANCES” These are the words issued in an Albright and Wilson propaganda video made some time in the early 1990’s, designed for its employees regarding safe handling techniques for this insidious chemical, white phosphorus,  forever linked to … Continue reading

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Sandwell’s Local Plan- Please engage to stop another con job

Once again we are into a phoney “consultation” period concerning the  future of planning in this concrete metropolitan borough. Sandwell’s planning department has always been bent, from elected members doing favours for their offspring to buy cheap land, to multiple … Continue reading

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