Sandwell’s Local Plan- Please engage to stop another con job

Once again we are into a phoney “consultation” period concerning the  future of planning in this concrete metropolitan borough. Sandwell’s planning department has always been bent, from elected members doing favours for their offspring to buy cheap land, to multiple decisions to build over green space, so long as it is not in any councillor’s back yard. The first thing to note is that there is no difference between Labour and Conservative in this field with their “brownfield first” agenda- using public money to support private business. I cannot for example get my head around this decision. PAY FOR YOUR OWN FUCKING FACTORY BUSINESS EXPANSION- IT IS NOT UP TO SCROUNGE FROM THE PUBLIC PURSE- IS THIS PUBLIC MONEY GROUNDFORCE/CHALLENGE ANNEKA OR SOME PROGRAMME LIKE IT?

Once again Wealdstone the wretched mayor is on hand for a photo opportunity, but this one below is the real deal and essence of the case.

After Dudley Council screwed over the other local authorities, SMBC and the others have now gone it alone, which is worse because of the aforementioned corruption  concerning planning in Sandwell. The unitary development  plans were always crooked in the way in which they allocated “crap sites for residential”, but this one is a green light for such until at least 2040 by the look of it. Planners in Sandwell are notorious for their secret meetings behind closed doors with businessmen, and this only looks set to continue to exclude the public who actually live in this rotten borough to which many of these conmen use as tips and then development opportunities.

The documents are impossible to read in the timescale of consultation , which ends on 20th March.

Worse is the bent downgrading of wildlife habitat and so called “biodiversity credits” so that Street and Co’s mates can build more using the tax payers remediation fund, that some c£nts abandoned or set up a tax dodging Jersey fake company to landbank from. Street and co appear welcoming of such schemes, so long as a surrogate in the UK is seen to handle the money. It’s as dodgy as Ibrahim Dogus’s laundry basket, as is their support of disgusting polluters like Severn Trent Water selling of land once in public ownership such as the scheme at Friar Park. 

I will deal with the recent disgraceful decision at the Coneygre site in due course.

Business and the construction industry benefit from this “build back better” agenda, which is part of a wider globalist one to landscape a “utopia” control of movement via “15 minute cities” .

Please engage in this “issues and options” consultation at this link before 2oth March. They are banking on lack of responses just to go through the motions of this appearing to be a consultation. Make sure your voice is heard, and keep a copy of anything you send.


Half way through this consultation, Sandwell council have pulled the call for sites downloadable form, and replaced it with a system where you have to log in to a third party consultation form. The call for sites map is terrible to use, and this further just appears to be the case that they only want agents of developers and landbankers to fill them out. 

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