A second chance for Albright and Wilson’s P4 propaganda video



These are the words issued in an Albright and Wilson propaganda video made some time in the early 1990’s, designed for its employees regarding safe handling techniques for this insidious chemical, white phosphorus,  forever linked to all of the activities and waste arisings associated with the Oldbury works, and of course more importantly, all of the bird death poisonings at Rattlechain Lagoon.

The youtube video of this suspiciously disappeared, perhaps when AW/Rhodia/Solvay realised how damaging it was to their then claims about health and safety and the present and future issues that may arise from their abandoned still contaminated sites.

I have since spoken to people who were in their employment at this time, and they tell a very different story to the one promoted in this corporate video nasty, and it seems that if any accident occurred involving this and other toxic substances, they as management could not give a shit, and that went for the union representation as well.

But by the wonders of science, that phosphorus video now has a second chance and is in two parts which slightly overlap on our facebook page .  😛  😛  😛



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