Monthly Archives: September 2017

The beachy head chemical mystery

Recent events in Eastbourne have shown how chemical releases spark widespread media attention and also considerable public concern. A mysterious chemical haze lastĀ month appeared to come in from the sea affecting many dozens of people at the beach around the … Continue reading

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AW bombs on the SAS patch

It may be a surprise to know that the biggest “terrorist” planter of ordnance capable of causing harm to human health is not the IRA or ISIS, but thoseĀ  good old boys from Britain’s WW2 Home Guard, who never fail … Continue reading

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Britton waives it through

Last month I reported on the fact that Rhodia (convenience name for Solvay’s toxic assets), had finally submitted a retrospective planning application for camera posts and additional cameras at their toxic hazardous waste rattlechain lagoon. THIS HAD ONLY BEEN DONE … Continue reading

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