Monthly Archives: January 2023

White phosphorus misadventures #15 Phosphorus Tom’s Lethal tobacco

  So you thought that you were having a bad day? Spare a thought for this poor bastard from history! This misadventure involves a case of phossy jaw and early attempts to investigate the unsafe practices being undertaken at scumbag … Continue reading

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  Ten years ago this blog set out to tell the real story of Rattlechain lagoon and its murky history, a history protected by authority and Britain’s dirty wartime past. It set out to show how industrial pollution affects the … Continue reading

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Happy 2023- Your alternative toxic calendar

Are you lucky enough to live in the 1km HSE consultation zone? HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU, except if you worked for Albright and Wilson or Rhodia, in which case UP YER BUM!! Yes it’s that time of year when Solvay … Continue reading

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