“Monitoring” the chain

There has been recent activity at Rattlechain lagoon which may well be the supposed twice yearly “monitoring” by Rhodia/Solvay’s “environmental consultants”. Back in 2013, these were ERM, or Environmental Resources Management, who stated at an open day event concerning the proposed cover up works that they had been given a fifteen year brief with a view to 25 years. I am not sure if this is still in place, as  those who have appeared at the site appear a little coy in revealing for whom they actually work.

An example of this is the use of private cars and hire vans that have been seen at the site, and lack of high vis vest branding.

Water samples were clearly being taken on 8th March from the smaller lagoon as well as marked boreholes in a very wintery scene.


Well I suppose its an improvement on those hairy blokes from Heyrman De Roeck who lost their helmets. LOL


And where are they going?

Seems to be connected to an American based firm….curious

Just a day before this however, I observed a dead gull on the causeway path.

So did the contractors remove this, or had Rhodia/Solvay swooped before they arrived?

What is clear, from my monitoring over many years, and long before theirs is that Rhodia/Solvay employees turn up a few weeks ahead of their visits, and one should be very suspicious as to why this happens. Rhodia Solvay are the masters of alchemy and changing chemistry to suit what they want to happen, and the readings that they want to present to regulators and to the gullible public using their “public resource.”

The “public resource” of this website makes me nothing at all in monetary value, is of my own time, to which I am not paid and I am not promoting myself through it for any other purpose other than exposing liars of the chemical industry, to which I have never worked and their paid shills- of which I consider anyone in the employment of this company to be. I can look myself in the mirror each day and every day of the year and say that I do an honest days work without harming anyone or the environment in the process , unlike that which this industry promotes or covers up.

So on  8th February, I noted four employees of Rhodia/Solvay on the site messing around on both the canal, using the route up to there by vehicle, (which I believe has no legal basis for this use),  and also messing around with the pier pump, from which they pump water from the main lake rather than the subsidiary smaller lagoon which has never been remediated or covered with any geotextile, because the purpose of it is to defuse toxic gases from the contents of the other side. They do not state this, but it is the case and why they do not pump from this lagoon as they used to, and where they actually built the pier.

It should also be noted of course, that the smaller lagoon itself is a manmade creation dating from around 1961, and is not separate in any way to the larger lagoon given that it was once one large clay pit to which the toxic waste including white phosphorus was all dumped. These are the type of details of fact checked history which are omitted by Rhodia Solvay because they are inconvenient to their aims and mistuths.

They of course constructed a new pump utilising one of the old pontoons which supported the waste pipe used to pump their deadly contents into the main lake. THEY DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO REMEMBER THIS, BUT THIS “PUBLIC RESOURCE” WILL REMIND PEOPLE OF WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED AT THIS SITE, AND NOT THE LATTERDAY WIDE EYED WONDERMENT INVENTED BULLSHIT CONCERNING “WILDLIFE IMPROVEMENTS”.

Looks like the churn has gone


Come on AL , you can carry it. LOL


I remember a time when they carried off dead birds along the causeway path.


20/4/12- 2 days after the swan had died

No one would have noticed this unless you know what you are looking for, and it is noted that water pumping from this makeshift pump restarted to the canal for several days to a couple of weeks. What is contained within the blue drum, and if there were any chemicals within this which may have altered any readings taken to the water exiting the pipe is open to question, but as I do not trust these bastards under any circumstances due to prior experience, it would not surprise me that lowering the water levels in this way would impact any imminent testing or “monitoring” which they knew was coming from their “independent” consultants.

I noted previously how operatives working for Rhodia had poured chemicals into the smaller lagoon area to change the PH of the water.  

As for the boreholes, two gentlemen were eagerly looking for them up on the canal, marking them with survey poles and even maybe aptly, bottles.

Having seen these boreholes on the canal, they look what can best be described as rather ropey, and I would not pay too much attention as to any accuracy of findings!


There has also been maybe coincidentally, some activity on the Autobase site by a company called Comex 2000, a telecommunications company, though I am naturally suspicious whenever I see any works such as this and any attempt at “masterplanning”.

The “Sandwell plan” consultation has recently ended, and no doubt there will be plenty of bullshit reading to come from that over the next few months to years. Planners at bent Sandwell council and the BCDC usually gave the activities of Albright and Wilson the nod, whilst careful to cover up anything damaging to them, but the W.M Combined Authority version of this in the 2020’s is probably “the brown eyed wink”.  😉

“Monitoring” of this site and the claimed “science” behind it comes from dishonest scientific liars and their “small amounts” of sincerity.  

It comes from a company like Albright and Wilson who lied to their own staff and the communities they despoiled with political support and “regulator” incompetents.

The very waste tipping licence application which Albright and Wilson “scientists” submitted presented a lie of “safety” and that the previous tipping longevity before licensing made it an acceptable practice. This acceptance without any challenge was a long part of the problem before I came along and challenged the lie. White phosphorus in the sediment had not been exposed to air by “natural oxidation” and diminished, it was still there and still toxic in “small amounts”.


In this lagoon, the  waste was dumped and remixed over and over again over many years, and this did not remove the toxic material from the sediment- as evidenced by the swallowed substance present in the dead birds that were systemically poisoned.  In subsequent reports that contractors of this company and even disgracefully, the Rhodia paid scum at the former Health Protection Agency with their fake “human health risk assessment”  , they took a couple of samples and analysed these to then compile “an average” quantity.  You cannot infer any average of a chemical like white phosphorus in the lagoon sediment or water based on a handful of readings taken from scattered point locations and you cannot characterise the amount still present in the lagoon by this failed method . THIS IS FAKE SCIENCE, THE REPORTS ARE KNOWINGLY MISREPRESENTATIVE OF THE TRUTH AND WILL ALWAYS BE CALLED OUT. 

That’s no way to lock the chain!

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