Dust and not so good vibrations


Back in 1990 when Lineker and Gazza were “expressing themselves” in Italia 90, in Tividale a different type of game was starting to unfold. Messrs Hurst and Hurst were carving up land on a former tip on tips with heavy machinery that would remain on this pitch for over a decade. And no I’m not talking about Geoff! Extra time to complete the work would be a very real prospect, but never it appears, any penalties for their frequent foul activities. 😆

Not so much Three lions on a shirt, as three giant sand castles! 😆

Many years of dirt, never stopped them scheming……


Residents in the then built part of the estate Gladstone Drive, Law Close and Temple Way were on the front line of the marauders from Coneygree Road and those in the first street in particular living closest were regularly affected by dust storms and damaging operations as The Sandwell Evening Mail of 20th July 1990 points out.

I have chosen to redact the names of the couple, though I know they no longer live in this street, having escaped after the work had finally finished. At this point in time, Sandwell council appear to have at least been sympathetic to the concerns of issues surrounding cracks appearing in and around the properties in question, though this alliance would swiftly change!

The diggers were working inches away from the houses, and despite requests to stop, The Hursts could not have given a shit. You can evidently see this in correspondence of the time where the supercilious duo always know better than people whose jobs it was to uphold some type of rules and regulations, schemes and planning and building controls.

As for The Black Country Development Corporation, there was never a more bent vehicle than this in operation at this time. The 12th man on the pitch- the ref, were always making controversial decisions in favour of this company and its activities at this place. Not so good vibrations for those in Gladstone Drive.

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