Residential victims of “reclamation”


Those living on The Temple Way estate have had a very rude awakening of how dubious outfits backed by Sandwell council do not care about ripping out views that were bought with the home, views that cannot be replaced. Some residents have rightly complained to Sandwell Council about the lack of notice and what has been left behind- a desolate quagmire with no apparent ecological value. Sandwell council have a long history of batting away people’s concerns in this area about “offshore” landowners and their big reclamation ideas. YOU CAN READ THAT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES HERE. This speaks volumes about them as to whom they really serve as well as to whom they appear to be in the pockets of.

This post tells the real stories of people affected who awoke to see the devastation unfolding from their back gardens and I thank them for the photos/videos and stories sent in or comments made on social media.

The before and after views of DSM destruction have been sent to Sandwell Council, Alan Lunt and Suzanne Hartwell we are informed by residents in Temple Way. 

Residents of Gladstone Drive told me they went to work before 8am to come back to find the trees had all gone in front of their homes.

Winter wonderland


The vandalism and destruction of DSM demolition and the Kelly family


Remember how Sandwell Council claimed that no soils had been disturbed by this operation?

A resident in Macdonald Close has commented

“I live right behind it on Macdonald Close. I’m completely devastated. I’ve been watching the destruction outside my back garden. Really upsetting. Also my cats are too scared to go out.”

Another resident sent in before and after photos and others have stated that foxes are now roaming the streets displaced by the impact of the now barren landscape.

Demolition wrecker detected

“5 years ago I brought my forever home with a beautiful view of green land out my back windows with no one looking over me in my garden. On the 13th Jan 2025 I heard machinery out the bedroom window I looked out to see diggers ripping all the trees out of the ground. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, I called my local councillor Suzanne Hartwell a number if times through the day but her phone was off so I called Sandwell council to find out what was going on, I was told they’d had a number of calls regarding this and they email me a link to explain what’s going on, in this explained that local residents would of had a leaflet posted explained what’s happening ( I’m still waiting for the leaflet) but they did say there has been no planning promotion granted has of yet.

I decided to email Suzanne Hartwell beens I couldn’t get her via phone. Then on the evening I call another councillor Marie Compton, I explained what was happening and asked her to find out what was happening, she told me to give her a couple of days. On the 20th January I was woken up at 7.45am to the diggers ripping more trees out, I didn’t think machinery shouldn’t be use before 8 in a residential area. Due to all this I feel my mental health is being affected, I can’t go on my weekly walks over there because it upsets me too much, every time I open my blinds in a morning I feel totally gutted.”


A five year view gone within days


Do not try to tell me that this is progress, it is about the avarice of chancers as it was throughout the 1990’s when some arrogant selfish individuals with no interest whatsoever in the area other than screwing it over to make money wrecked it for their own gain. This is just the start however and this is why residents of Temple Way need to stick together and fight for what is there. There will be no second chance when this land gains any planning permission. THE SANDWELL PLAN MUST BE DERAILED BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. 

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