Post 100- For the victims of industrial pollution




And so to the landmark 100th post on this blog. As stated several times, this website was set up initially to put forward our point of view that was not being reported widely, on an issue that was both personal and prolonged because of business lies backed up by regulator incompetence and bureaucracy. We are sure that this is just one of many examples of how the chemical industry has managed to gain in stature at the expense of the environment and which there appears to be no end to how its toxic legacy can be covered up.

The victims of industrial pollution can be animals, birds as well as humans. In their time, Albright and Wilson poisoned them all and left behind a gift for the future which also made the future the biggest victim of all. But they were just one of many private companies backed up by odious Governments and politicians with financial and political mineral grabing intent. And still their phoney wars continue……

It can also be said from someone of “today’s generation” that there is little to thank the post war generation for in terms of how they appeared too busy celebrating the peace of World War Two to care about dumping thousands of tonnes of nerve and chemical weapons into the sea for “safety”, whilst collaborating on more ghastly experiments in secret to wipe out mankind and life many times over, simply because “the other side” may find it first.  NO -YOU DESERVE NO “THANKYOU” AT ALL. YOU DESERVE UTTER CONTEMPT, AND AS THE HISTORY BOOKS SWAY OUT OF YOUR CONTROL YOU WILL BE JUDGED BY TOMORROW FOR RUINING OUR TODAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OF YESTERDAY.

Whilst the world engages in so called “climate change” speculation, the real time victims of industrial pollution like those at Rattlechain slip unseen by the wayside unreported. The top table environmental organisations like the top table animal organisations were not interested in our struggle or in rattlechain lagoon itself. So it was left to ourselves alone to try to investigate it on behalf of the bird victims. They want your money to continue their admin jobs; there are no donate pages on this website.

  “Lie-met change”  describes how university academics can be paid their entire lives to produce research backed and taxpayer funded by western governments to use as the manipulative tool to prevent Eastern industrial expansion. This money could clean up  contaminated sites like rattlechain many many times over, yet these university parasites keep feeding off us like vermin with their puppet masters never stopping their supply of carrots.

Environmental organisations no longer speak out about atrocities such as those committed by BP, such is their vain obsession with their “climate change” religion- playing right into the hands of the political class again. We now have “the Department for energy and climate change”- thus linking the climate lie with the energy lie. It is hard to see how so many people are so gullible in believing what politicians and scientists tell them is right, but with so many believing in God and religion, perhaps it is not that hard to see a different set of words and prophets of doom. I call the lot a mental health issue.

The environmental movement has lost its way since 2000, at end of millenium paranoia set in, backed up by Hollywood Movies that were always part of the Western conspiracy plot to maintain a public perception that the world would end from manmade activity.  Climate change and Nostradamus go hand in hand with the theory changing only when “an event” occurs. The mass media presentation, also in the loop of deceipt complete the production. So now they all look to weather satellites and the clouds and to scientists, too busy noticing acid spills and oil on the beaches, chemical emissions in the water or the air. I remember when Greenpeace prosecuted Albright and Wilson at Whitehaven and stopped their polluting activities with direct action!

The world will not end from industrial pollution, but it will produce victims whilst the lie-met mob continue their self promoted importance and the scientists , businessmen and politicians smile on counting their currency in GM crops and windfarming  technologies. You don’t have to look very far into who bankroles presidential campaigns. They are happy to promote artificial life instead of improving life for us all, and carving a career on the after dinner speach circuit to anyone who will listen.

 From those who controlled the waste dumping  situation from their ivory tower at Trinity Street and WD24 4QP, not and ever a single apology nor expression of remorse for our real victims of industrial pollution. Only a cover up with sand to bury their heads in.

It only comes as some warped personal pleasure to this writer that he will outlive some of the main protagonists long enough to water the knotweed around the headstones bearing their names. 

The word ameriolation does not really apply to the rattlechain site, because it has not really healed. Whereas we wanted the toxic threat to be removed forever to produce no more victims, what we have is a puncture patch stuck over a gaping wound, in the hope that it will not blow out and last the journey, whereby it is hoped that time will forget what lay beneath the water.

We remember the many swans and other birds, some which we had followed since hatching and remember how their lives were cut short by the Oldbury chemical companies waste and lies. Many could have been avoided, which makes it all the worse to bare, as was the slowness at which we discovered the truth that we now know.

This video and song are an apt conclusion for this post. Someday I might even get round to doing my own take.



For the victims…….

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