What’s the crack?

Easter time is supposed to be a time of renewal and regeneration.

The hatchlings are now starting to appear. I saw the first family of canada’s yesterday whilst out and about.



At Rattlechain over the last week a hosepipe has suddenly been turned on from the new pier pump.





It appears that water is being emptied from the smaller lagoon ( that recently underwent an aluminium sulphate dumping session ) and into the main geotextile laid lagoon. WHY? Is the larger lagoon now considered to have too high a ph? And why would that be the case? Or is the smaller lagoon now too acidic? A case of conjuring water from one side to the other, whilst trying to hide the chemicals added.


The bubbles of gas are still visibly being given off in the larger capped lagoon, so I wonder if this is just an attempt to try to disguise it?

The lowering water levels can be gauged by the plunging mark on the pier.


As for the birds, let’s hope that they cannot access anything that lingers below, after all the point of not capping the smaller lagoon was supposedly that the birds would not be able to reach anything in this lagoon.

There is also the question of the disappearing bowsers stored at the southern end near to the houses. Three now remain. Iwonder if they hatched? Perhaps another experiment going on here?


6 shown here


On Monday there was an early morning appearance of 7 greylags, which presumably came in with the rain the night before. Ghostly grey shapes across the foggy abyss at the toxic waste dump. By dinner with the fog gone, so had they. Wise move chaps.


Greylags in the mist



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