…..he lies and nose, it grows and grows, it grows and gro.oh.oh.oh’s


Boy, George, what are we to do with this one?

The semantic snake and phosphorus pork pie projectile vomitter known as Peter Bloore was something else of the night. Throughout the 1980’s and early 1990’s his name crops up time and time again, often in a tandem double act with his sidekick straight man PR merchant Tom Tomlinson in respect of massaging the truth about what was happening at Trinity Street and with this dire polluting company further afield. Many of the incidents at these works were under his direct control and failure, and a summary of his time is given in Albright World where he appears to have succeeded the useless Pratt Day as the poison chalice works manager. It baffles me as to why some ex colleagues of his describe him as “a nice man”. I beg to differ, and I form that opinion which I will take to the grave knowing and having exposed the lies he told in an act of pure selfishness to protect the economic interests of Albright and Wilson. Did he ever help YOU in your job if injured, or did YOU get the blame? 


Bloore must have been in his element, if you’ll excuse the chemical pun when this piece of crap EU legislation took effect in 1984.

The 1976 accident at a chemical plant in Seveso, Italy, dispersed dioxin formed in the reaction making much of the surrounding countryside uninhabitable. This led directly to the first `Seveso Directive’, later updated following subsequent events from Bhopal and the Sandoz fire in Switzerland.

The UK implemented the directive through the CIMAH (Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Regulations 1984 and later amendments.

CIMAH imposed a duty on all sites within its scope to identify major accident hazards and take steps to prevent them. Depending on the substances involved, and their amounts, sites were categorised into two tiers, with the top-tier sites required to produce safety reports and emergency plans and to inform the public who may be affected by a major accident.

The boffs at Trinity Street found themselves in a Top tier site with a defined area of circumference from the chlorine plant then operating.

As a criticism of this directive, it did nothing in terms of land planning in that new developments could be built alongside dangerous plants, and this eventually led to the Seveso II directive, implemented in UK law as Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances’, COMAH from 1996. The EA would of course come into existence the following year. 

As a part of this new legislation, Albright World took up the story in a special double page spread, with employees of this factory expected to act as PR merchants in brainwashing their neighbours into thinking that this plant was safe.

The first line of defence for the bad doctor was trying to explain that nothing at the site had changed, (it was still dangerous), but that the law had in terms of communicating information.

How employees could lie to their neighbours more like

Of course, Bloore was front and centre with “Myra Hindley” and co forming a guard of honour.

The idea that the site had “long enjoyed good relations with its neighbours” is total known crap! The Oldbury smell had lasted for years, as had pollution issues, and in particular the year 1981 was a disastrous PR annus. 

His claims of having an excellent safety record are again an unfounded lie- based upon the real evidence that I have provided on this website, where his denials and lies are clearly evident.

As for the 15,000 leaflets, this appears to be the start of the bullshit biennial calendar rammed through the doors of unsuspecting locals with the same crap.

Of course, they failed to protect their own staff from Chlorine exposure, so what chance of any offsite release? It would later emerge from an ex copper about the reality of this PR bullshit exercise.

Boffin Bloore was basically a liar.


Bloore’s greatest SHITS VOLUME 1 AND 2

If his nose was a male member, he would have had a career to rival that of Ron Jeremy- but with more wood.

Mason Shakey?

Bloore’s AW PR method.

Around the same time that Iraq’s comical Ali was plying his trade, so PO Box 80’s comical alkali(e) was churning out similar pork pie whoppers.

  • Familiar themes include talking of “low concentrations”,
  • comparing dangerous chemicals escaping to things you would find in your home
  • semantic bullshit attempting to distort the truth by “bending” science to protect a corporate and commercial enterprise.
  • Using health and safety failures as an advert for their shite chemical business

Basically what the chemical industry and allied big pharma industry have been doing for years to deceive the public, hapless employees and the media in general from scrutinising their harmful activities. 


As “production manager” Bloore blamed the death of employee Tom Tolson on his failure to wear PPE, rather than the circumstances as to how a piece of equipment that HE was responsible for had gone wrong. 


Again as “production manager”, Bloore took part in a ludicrous AW exercise at Rattlechain lagoon where it was claimed to an EU bureaucrat that this method of waste disposal was “efficiently dealt with”. 

June 1986 

A worker handling phosphorus is burnt, badly I would state from the picture used in the corporate video promoting health and safety with P4. Phosphorus burns are not like ordinary burns, and burn through the flesh to the bone and require constant monitoring to address no route of systemic poisoning. According to Bloore the burns were “slight” to his shoulder, and a “thermal” burn to his head. WTF YOU FUCKING LIAR!

June 1988

A phosphine gas escape was blamed by Bloore on a “pressure surge on the reactor.” He claimed that the system shut down immediately, yet years later when the 2009 off site release and fire occurred, evidence given by Rhodia during the HSE investigation claimed that it was not possible to do this- so again he lied. 

July 1989

Albright and Wilson admitted five offences under The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 due to enriching phosphorus in a disastrous “remediation” of their Portishead site- thus putting their own workers at risk with radioactive dusts. Bloore would later pour out utter bollocks about this operation in an early 1990’s piece in Albright World, where none of this was even mentioned! 

July/September 1989 Phosphorus sesquisulphide fires and releases. Bloore states that the chemical is used in making matches. In this article he blames the chemical properties rather than his shite company handling of it, but promised “an investigation”. 

November 1989

A meeting between Albright and Wilson led by Bloore and John Nicholls from the Black Country Development Corporation discussed the proposed exploration of Rattlechain lagoon. This reveals Bloore’s true fears of the pool being exposed for what it really contained- wartime relics when his company were making bombs for The British State. It is telling that he claims that AW may not have tipped certain stuff in there- well who the fuck did then given that they claim to have acquired the site in 1948- which is a lie ?

In context, in the month previous, a fire had occurred at the site involving white phosphorus being tipped into the pool, just to give the context of his fears becoming public knowledge.

It is priceless that Bloore actually thought that other fill materials may contaminate the canal given the fucking shit he knew was already going in there! Publicly, including in a phone call conversation with myself years later, Bloore would claim that the pool contained “the stuff used in toothpaste” a lie oft repeated by the likes of Tom Dutton, who was obviously a pupil of the fake “doctor”, and would become one himself.

February/March 1990

Bloore claimed that an unpleasant smell , a repeat event, was harmless chemicals, yet did not elaborate any further than “pesticides”.

The reality for those living inside the factory and the CIMAH consultation zone.



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