Rattlechain snake


“something smells fishy Johan, do you think it might be phosphine-
I think we might need a bigger boat.”


Towards the end of last week and upto the Easter break, a giant pipework network began to be created across the two pools. Part of this utilised some of the old pipe  previously dismantled by the contractors (how resourceful).



The length of this network reminds one of the hit game “snake 2”  and appears to stretch some few hundred metres into a collection vessel.







This vessel now sits in the larger lagoon anchored by a piece of rope to the Eastern embankment. Presumably this will be attached to Goldmember making him one well hung mariner dude.

Another vessel to arrive was one I’ll call “Guilitt” which appears to winch up items from the causeway path.


Guillit and the goose

One has to wonder if they could not be bothered to dismantle the pipe across the causeway path that discharges water into the Birmingham canal?

20130328-133055 For whatever reason, the causeway path has now been flooded for many weeks in contravention of the permit. This has happened on numerous occasions before,(as noted in EA inspection records for the site) but not when it is proposed to dredge the toxic material in the so called “clean side” lagoon that contains toxic white phosphorus.  At the same time the pump has been in continuous operation discharging water into the BIrmingham Canal. Will this continue during dredging we have to ask? Do the Environment Agency care about this? Of course they don’t.


The breached causeway path, and a licence condition.

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