Underground overground Womble in Oldb’ry

A former resident of Wimbledon has fallen on hard times. As a forerunner to David Cameron’s “big society” a London womble has been relocated to Sandwell for housing. Unfortunately what he was promised by the local authority traffickers did not appear to be quite what he expected. This is his story……


A furry outcast refugee,

 Got off the train at Oldbury.


Lost, confused  he needed aid

a home, some food- a job that paid.


As if by magic a fella appeared

His accent was a little weird.

“Hello ah kid, u want a place?”

said the rotund chubby face


“This is a great place to stay

you want a job, it will pay?”


The job flyer add was very clear  

“Litter champion wanted here”


Oh yes sir thank you very much

I have experience in such.”


“Well this is where you as to crash

in return for pickin up trash.”



A dotted map guided our champ

to where he was to work and camp.


The womble pondered on his way

of the street where he was to stay.


“Nelson”- a name of mystery

An admiral or African history?


Turning the corner he dropped the map

On seeing the giant load of crap








 What a shocker for our guy,

to see a mound , a rotting sty.

Weeds, flies, tyres and bricks

needles and used coverings for pricks.


Tonnes and tonnes of industrial spoil

window frames and piles of soil


The notices were strange to see

amongst the stinking debris


“In this place I cannot exist

I’ve been conned, swindled- pissed!”



Tired and worn he’d lost the plot

he took his scarf and tied a knot




A womble’s tale ends right there

But are you bothered , do you care?


Others live within this hell

they live in shit, it’s called  “Sandwell.”


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