It’s been pretty quiet at the lagoon of late. Not much in the way of wildfowl, so observations are confined to things around the site.
Recently some curious items have turned up in John’s Lane.
At the main gate, a bizarre still life. I should perhaps enter it into some pretentious art competition. “Rattlechain child” I could see it might stand a chance of winning.
The odd digging on the north embankment has also been covered up. Perhaps it was the bottle diggers returning after all?
As if to emphasise this, a new sign has appeared fixed to the metal railings at the North East corner of the site, giving a handy reminder of the nature of the contents contained within.
It’s just a bit late that they finally want to admit this however. Whoever was tasked with putting it up obviously had a convenient prompt on the reverse as to where to stick it.
Another useful prop that has turned up is a Jerry mouse Microscope. There are quite a few things to look at quite closely at this site, not least the odd Tom that occasionally turns up.
We know they have
The saga of licensing of this site can be read HERE. The current state of affairs can be read HERE.
Whoever holds the keys may well choose to keep the site’s secrets under lock and key, but we will continue to put their site, and their activities under the lens of scrutiny that they deserve.