


There has been of late very little activity at Rattlechain lagoon. Certainly the birds appear to have deserted the site almost entirely. This makes the “environmental improvements” touted by those undertaking work at the site which commenced nearly two years ago ring rather hollow.

This week however saw the return of some of Rhodia/Solvays contractors, obviously carrying out another monitoring exercise.


Putting the boat out



As the plucky Heyrman trio went out towards the beach area, ERM guy did another firework code experiment at the smaller lagoon. Funny now how they are monitoring for release of dangerous chemicals rather looking for the ones in the sediment that their sponsors were so  deft at denying were in their toxic soup and poisoning birds.






When we first drew attention to the bird mortality issue at the site, Rhodia were more interested in “bird deterrence”- some of the wild options for this are shown below from this report.


In this subsequent “bird deterrence” cunningly disguised as “environmental improvements” by their other contractor, they do appear to have at last succeeded, so well done- congratulations- though we don’t know what chemicals they may have added to the bathwater to put wildfowl off staying there- would not be surprised at all- they added aluminium sulphate previously to lower the ph allegedly.

So this blog is officially now 2 years old, and will continue into the foreseeable future, learning and uncovering the deceptions of the past. The names on the gates may change, but the filthy stench of Albright and Wilson continues to be stored under the water, and even sometimes beyond its boundaries.


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