Scrubbing for Solvay

It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s not got to do it. The former pipe pontoons have been disapperaing out of view, but where are they going I wonder? At the “Exhibition” in January- (see post 1) it was intimated to us that they would be going in the drink with just about everything else in the North part of the lagoon. Out of sight, out of mind (at least for Rhodia/Solvay).






It had also been claimed in the joint ERM/Rhodia “newsletter” that the pipe had been “decontaminated. ” So why were these employees dressed in full face masks and protective overalls and gloves busily scrubbing the undersides that had sat in the sediment for so long?



DJ Solvay on the mixing decks






 It just surprises me that Rhodia managed to fork out for the PPE and not issue its staff/contractors with  toothbrushes and a couple of tubes of Colgate blue minty gel to leave the pontoons “All bright and shiny.”

Elsewhere today Napoleon got amphibious  again on the spud barge. Thrashing about water and watched by some of the Heyrman’s in the Orange boat.




For the last few days the website has been stuck on “Nelson” at 111 pages. Today a few more were added connected to military matters.

There is a saying that “one volunteer is worth ten pressed men”.

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