There are various signs now- more than ever around Rattlechain lagoon. A welcome addition or a reminder of the atrocious lack of information previously provided by Albright and Wilson and Rhodia? If you look at the list of licence breaches on this website, you will see what I mean.
The fact is, this company are reactive and not proactive.
The original concrete panel fencing was missing in several places. After I appeared on BBC Midlands today in 2009 about the swan deaths, they decided to replace the lot with metal fencing topped with razor wire.
The causeway path was noted to have been breached in the past, so they built it up allowing the water levels to raise.
So I drew attention to the causeway path breaches the other day, and now low and behold they are making a giants causeway, also explaining in the newsletter to local residents that it was always intended that Goldmember would be towed back through a gap made in the causeway path. Really? I’ll save my other observations about this piece for another day, except to say I think they underestimate the intelligence of people in the area.
You can perform illusions with sheets and birds, but Rhodia’s actions usually result in them not reappearing again.
On the lagoon this week Napoleon and Bonaparte have been building up the path
A pair of great black backed gulls inspected the scene.
“The environmental improvements” at Rattlechain lagoon.
There has also been yet another addition to the Dutch armada now gathered on the site. Another floating sludge gulper cum dredger thingy. This one I’ll call Wilhelmina.
And the proud patriot pilot decided to hoist a little Dutch flag today.
Curiously Gullit and minimember then towed thunder bird 4, the spud barge and an orange boat to the North embankment…….. to be continued.