What lies beneath website updates

For those more astute, you may have noticed that there is now an https prefix to this website, well at least it’s now “secure” 😆

I’ve been using WordPress now for ten years without that many issues but unfortunately it appears that like with most things, someone decided to screw up what wasn’t broken with the new default block editing- which is fucking horrendous to put it mildly.

Thankfully, at least for now, I have the option of continuing with classic editor and not having to create text boxes like some 1990’s crap Mac. Another issue is that the comments on the pages have disappeared from public view, but are still there in draft, and over the next week or so I will reinstate them all with original post and text so that they appear in search engines.

I will also be assigning tags to pages and posts which I have wanted to do for some time as subjects eg #whitephosphorus. Another thing I will be doing is creating PDF breakdowns of the main issues surrounding this site, the history, the pollution story and other matters. This website now has well over 200 pages and over 400 posts, and so can be daunting for anyone to get a bitesize appetite for to know the facts of the case. These PDF’s will have the relevant links for further reading and evidence base. Some pages I am keeping deliberately from public view until such time as they may become relevant. 😎

To start as an appetizer, here are the facts concerning the site history.

site history

I have covered other sites and issues related to pollution and especially the toxic brownfield building issues and tried to help others who have been the victims of industrial pollution. If you have a story to tell and are not getting anywhere with mainstream media, then why not drop us a message on our facebook page and I will do my best to help.

Thank you for your continued support. 

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