The crooked Tividale “builder”


This is another post about the “non-bino” wino from Lower City Road- Mr Sydney Sheldon- the man whose dubious brickworks enterprise following on from the Barnett family ruined the area around Rattlechain with the sell off of large parcels of land for housing. I have also heard that there was a stables in the vicinity that was used for grooming, and giving free rides, and not just of an equestrian variety by a certain tenant of his.  😕 Blind eye I wonder?

I have already looked at how this convicted criminal and conman would allow

Flytipping – especially of chemical waste  to flourish around his “business” and he also took matters into his own hands regards criminal damage. 


But before all this I have found another article where this “builder”- (WTF of?) ended up in court. The Rugeley Times of 3rd June 1950 explains how Sydney was also a rogue landlord.

I do not know how this man made his money initially, or how he acquired the brickworks at Rattlechain from The Barnett family demise, but he appears to have had fingers in the pie in multiple land ownerships across the area, including obviously, these houses in the Walsall area. I just love the phrase “alleged to be a builder himself” used in the article. It should be said that he was also an alleged brickworks manager at this same time. 🙄

Sheldon had failed to appear when summoned to carry out simple repairs that he should have been capable of completing himself. His “shameful neglect” of the houses was further compounded by his arrogance of refusing to accept letters to his home address in Lower City Road- pompously called “Chelmarsh”.

This appears to set fourth a pattern of thinking himself to be above the law.


Four Faults. LOL

With his brickworks fraud gaining momentum through the planning application to dig a further hole- into which would be dumped uncontrolled illicit waste, he obviously also found the time to buy land in The Smethwick area, as this post from The Birmingham Daily Post of 1st August 1968 attests.

He is now self titling as “Warley builder and estate developer”, and appears to have objected to a compulsory purchase order on land in Mallin Street. If you read this it once again seems to be a cost undercut that the man is proposing.


I did endeavour to see if the crooked house still existed in Lower City Road, but alas, it appears that Chelmarsh was either demolished, renamed or renumbered. Perhaps it was rebuilt by a

Conman, scumbag, wrong un, but always a crook from the local vicinity. 

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