Billy Plonker and the phosphorus factory


AW’s anchor- He’s got a golden ticket……

The Albright and Wilson families were truly revolting characters. I have looked at Arthur Albright and two of his Grandchildren and their demise, but another, William Albright, the son of John, is a special case in terms of his longevity and involvement in destroying the local area with the factory in Langley.

I have written a biography of this war dodging chump already, and this should be read in conjunction with this post. The following however deals with the final curtain of his dealings with the Trinity Street phosphorus factory, at which at one time he ponced around as part of the Home Guard. This man of great privilege was born into the Quaker family empire phosphorus dynasty and would never have done anything else with his life if not for that.

“Albright World”- the company newspaper in his name which brainwashed their hapless umpa lumpa workforce with fake scientific claims and false statements about ill health caused by the chemicals that they were handling and making, recorded his official “retirement”- in reality he did nothing for work for his entire fucking life. This March 1980 edition lamented

“For the first time in the company’s history, there is no Albright on the A+W board. ”  🙁 

A phosphorus production unit

His links to Portishead are mentioned in the article, which bizarrely do him no favours at all given the fairly disastrous goings on here regards the later decommissioning of a plant that was not wanted by the local community at the time.

“Ernest recalled Bill’s ability to cut through red tape, and how he managed – through a friend- to obtain scarce materials without which the Portishead plant could not have been built.”

I have already uncovered that he was involved in an act of fraud during the war in attempting to use camouflage materials made by an AW sub company instead of that recommended by the War department at the time in covering the MOS factory at Trinity Street. The material was deemed substandard, and yet he argued the toss without declaring the vested financial interest from which AW would charge the Ministry of Supply. The robbing conning bastard him.

As for the favour granted by “a friend”, was this a “friend” of the weirdo cult society variety, or a funny handshake trouser leg roller, of which he almost certainly was?

It is stated that he was presented with a garden gate as well as a scroll at the special dinner. They appeared to love wining and dining in this way.

There are some recollections and embellishments about the man, and his interests in killing animals for fun.

Perhaps Billy plonker and Albright and Wilson missed a trick in promoting themselves and their “everyday chemicals” in giving local children the chance of a factory tour competition with a pack of Calgon. What a macabre spectacle it could have been, as they witnessed how to get gassed with chlorine, burnt by phosphorus, and poisoned with phossy jaw breakers.

There is little doubt that the hard-pressed folk of Langley were “holding their breath” and dreaming of “paradise” when living next to his stinking factory of smells and toxic chemicals for all of Bill Albright’s days there.

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