Rattlechain lagoon- What 3 words


The world is now mapped out in small squares thanks to this app called What3words.

As it states “We divided the world into 3 metre squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words. It’s the easiest way to find and share
exact locations. “

I decided to have a play and see what words described a rather notorious hazardous waste lagoon, and I was certainly bemused by some of the squares.

I must have covered every square metre of that site, invited on by the site owners to use a boat, and as a trespasser.  😛

It would have been good to have had this back in the day when reporting the many white phosphorus poisoned birds found dead or dying on here, but never mind.

I could easily imagine this app being used by those absolutely insane British military types during World War 2, maybe “Rattle chain lagoon” was code for something to do with dumping dirty bombs in water with a link between them?

Fast forward to today, and there are some  beauties within the Rhodia owned site.


near “the beach” area


Well it is, and the way is bared


There certainly were ducks and drama, and even a “motel” , as I mused before.  😆



But perhaps my favourite 3by3 is an area near to the beach area, possibly the same square as where the explosion of AW bombs was taken in this picture. 

There certainly are other issues awaiting when burying white phosphorus in a hazardous waste area next to houses.

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