For many weeks last year there was a mysterious on off series of developments on the reprofiled North Embankment that abuts the Birmingham Canal Mainline. Firstly there was some “vegetation management” as they like to call it.
It was clear that a trench was being dug along the length of the slope, and then later that electric cables were being laid here.
At this point in July, Rhodia were still discharging water to the canal, but via the pontoon pump in the main lagoon, and still inexplicably not from the so called “clean side lagoon” that the pier pump had been sited by to replace the longstanding pipe that ran along the old causeway path.
It then became clear that some woodwork activity was also being added into the embankment for some form of foundations. Then came some metal posts. More lighting I thought?
There was also tinkering with the existing cctv column, granted planning permission in 2010- DC/10/51860 Proposed construction of a 10m high column equipped with a CCTV camera- a little late perhaps for trying to observe site activity when they had been actively tipping toxic waste for over 70 years!
See the application below
But it quickly became apparent that this was not another “back to the future” weather experiment, but the addition of two more cctv columns. Now why would they possibly need those you might ask?
Not only cctv cameras but also loud halers by the looks of it located on the posts, and now additionally on the main entrance post as well.
In 2010 the application made the following statement.
It was claimed in the report that Rhodia had stated that the camera would not be able to be used at night, but if I am not very much mistaken, it would appear that not only has a loud haler been added but also some form of infra red detector- which means that it is fully operational at night now. Of course in 2010 they were still referring to the place as the preposterous “rattlechain mere” in their submitted plan below.
So much for the planning process then when I made enquiries to Sandwell council they told me the following.
So this appears to confirm that Rhodia do exactly what they like without valid planning permission.
No doubt this will be any trouble to the Trinity Street terrors as their friends in Sandwell council have been facilitating things for them for many years without any serious questions or scrutiny ever being applied. But what are they all trying to keep out or in?